The Relation Between EU Competition Policy and Consumers in Online Multi-Sided Platform Market: An Analysis Based on Consumer Welfare Standard

Yayınevi: Yetkin Yayınları
Yazar: Erman EKİNGEN

ISBN: 9786050512007

170,00 TL 200,00 TL


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Kitap Künyesi
Yazar Erman EKİNGEN
Baskı Tarihi 2022/05
Baskı Sayısı 1
Boyut 16x24 cm (Standart Kitap Boyu)
Cilt Karton kapak
Sayfa Sayısı 248

The Relation Between EU Competition Policy and Consumers in Online Multi-Sided Platform Market: An Analysis Based on Consumer Welfare Standard


Table of Contents


Table of Contents............................................................................. vii

Table of Figures............................................................................... xiii

Table of Legislation...........................................................................xv

Table of Cases...................................................................................xix

The List of Abbreviations............................................................. xxiii




1.1.The Issue .....................................................................................1

1.2.Research Questions .....................................................................4

1.3 Structure of the Book ..................................................................5

1.4 Research Methodology................................................................7

1.4.1 Doctrinal Legal Research Methodology............................8 The Concept of ‘Consumer Welfare’..................10





2.1 Current Status of the Digital Markets in EU Competition Law

and Their General Features.......................................................18

2.2 Online Multi-Sided Platforms in General .................................24

2.2.1 Detailed Points on Online Multi-Sided Platforms...........30 Differences Between Online Multi-Sided

Platforms and Retailers.......................................30 Difference Between Business to Business and

Business to Consumer Relations in terms of

Online Multi-Sided Platforms.............................33


2.2.2 Importance of Consumers in Online Multi-Sided

Platforms .........................................................................34

2.3 Main Features of Online Multi-Sided Platform Relationships..37

2.3.1 Existence of More Than One Customer Group with

Different Demand Structures ..........................................38

2.3.2 Existence of Indirect Networks Effects...........................38

2.3.3 Existence of a Platform That Creates Inter-Group


2.3.4 Existence of Downstream-Actors-Oriented Consumer


2.4 Different Types of Online Multi-Sided Platforms ....................51

2.4.1 Consumer Transaction Platforms ....................................54

2.4.2 Consumer Info Platforms.................................................56

2.5 Reasons to Evaluate Online Multi-Sided Platform Markets


2.5.1 Market Definition ............................................................59

2.5.2 Market Power...................................................................60

2.5.3 Chicken-Egg Problem......................................................62

2.5.4 Cartel Activities...............................................................62

2.5.5 Pricing Strategies and Price Discrimination ....................63

2.5.6 Externalities and Skewed Pricing ....................................64

2.6 Conclusion.................................................................................67



3.1 Geo-Blocking in General ..........................................................72

3.1.1 Methods of Geo-Blocking ...............................................73

3.1.2 Distinction Between Justified and Unjustified GeoBlocking ..........................................................................76

3.1.3 The Circumvention of Geo-Blocking ..............................77

3.2 Geo-Blocking as Part of European Digital Single Market


3.2.1 The Validity of Geo-Blocking Practices in EU

Cometition Law...............................................................80 Articles 101 and 102 TFEU ................................80

ix EU Sources Related to Geo-Blocking Before the

Launch of the EU Digital Single Market

Strategy ...............................................................81 EU Sources Related to Geo-Blocking After the

Launch of the European Digital Single Market

Strategy ...............................................................82 The Regulation on Unjustified Geo-Blocking ....85

3.3 Geo-Blocking for Copyrighted Content: Competition vs.

Copyright ..................................................................................87

3.3.1 Sides of Online Multi-Sided Platforms which Include

Copyrighted Works as Content .......................................90 Consumer Definition in these Platform


3.3.2 Reasons Why Geo-Blocking Should be Eliminated for

Copyrighted Content from an EU Competition Law

Perspective in Light of the Consumer Welfare Standard 93 Price.....................................................................97 Quality and Choice............................................101 Innovation..........................................................110

3.4 Language as a Natural Barrier for Cross-Border Trade of

Copyrighted Content...............................................................112

3.5 Conclusion...............................................................................114




4.1 Tying and Bundling in General...............................................119

4.1.1 Methods of Tying and Bundling Practices ....................120

4.1.2 Impacts of Tying and Bundling Practices:

Anticompetitive vs Procompetitive...............................121

4.1.3 Main Criteria of Tying and Bundling ............................124 Difference Between Tying and Tied Goods or

Services.............................................................124 The Existence of the Dominant Position of an

Undertaking in the Market ................................125 The Existence of Compulsion or Coercion against


x Foreclosure of Competition in the Market ........126 No Legal Justification for the Practice..............127

4.2 Tying and Bundling in Online Multi-Sided Platform


4.2.1 Sides of Online Multi-Sided Platforms which Apply

Tying and Bundling Practices.......................................128 Consumer Definition in these Platform


4.2.2 The Consumer Welfare Standard in Online Multi-Sided

Platforms which Apply Tying and Bundling Practice ..133 Price...................................................................135 Quality and Choice............................................139 Innovation..........................................................144

4.3 The Need for Effect-Based Approach to Analyse Tying and

Bundling Practices in Online Multi-Sided Platforms.............146

4.4 Conclusion...............................................................................149




5.1 MFN Clauses in General .........................................................153

5.1.1 Impacts of MFN Clauses: Anticompetitive vs

Procompetitive ..............................................................154

5.1.2 The Difference Between Traditional MFN Clauses and

Platform MFN Clauses..................................................157 The Distinct Types of Platform MFN Clauses..158

5.2 The Validity of MFN Clauses in EU Competition Law..........159

5.3 MFN Clauses in Online Multi-Sided Platforms......................165

5.3.1 Sides of Online Multi-Sided Platforms which Include

MFN Clauses.................................................................165 Consumer Definition in these Platform

Relations ...........................................................168

5.3.2 The Consumer Welfare Standard in Online Multi-Sided

Platforms which Include MFNs ....................................169 Price...................................................................173 Quality and Choice............................................179 Innovation..........................................................183


5.4 A Discussion on Whether the Free-Riding Defence Can be Used

to Justify MFNs ......................................................................184

5.5 Conclusion...............................................................................188





6.1 Consumer Welfare Oriented Competition Analysis in Online

Multi-Sided Platform Markets................................................193

6.2 The Need for New Rules and Tools for the Application of

Competition Law to Online Multi-Sided Platform Markets...195

6.2.1 New Approach to EU Competition Policy in Applying

EU Competition Law to Online Multi-Sided Platform

Markets..........................................................................201 Online MSP is a Distinct Business Model ........201 End-Users Should be Treated as Consumers in

Online MSP Relationships................................202 Case-by-Case Analysis of Practices of Online

MSPs is Needed ................................................203 The Practices and Behaviour of Not Only

Dominant Undertakings but Also Other

Undertakings Should be Considered.................203

6.2.2 The General Characteristics of the Proposed Digital

Services Act and Digital Markets Act and The Place of

the Consumer Welfare Standard Therein ......................205 Geo-Blocking in the DMA................................211 Tying and Bundling in the DMA ......................212 MFN Clauses in the DMA ................................213

6.3 Conclusion...............................................................................214



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