Newsletter 2017

Yayınevi: Oniki Levha Yayınları
Yazar: H. Ercüment ERDEM

ISBN: 9786051527376

144,00 TL 160,00 TL


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Kitap Künyesi
Yazar H. Ercüment ERDEM
Baskı Tarihi 2018/04
Baskı Sayısı 1
Boyut 16x24 cm (Standart Kitap Boyu)
Cilt Sert Kapak (İplik Dikiş)

Newsletter 2017

Prof.Dr.H.Ercüment ERDEM

2018/04 1.Baskı,516 Sayfa,Ciltli

ISBN 978-605-152-737-6

We are honored to bring to you our new book "Newsletter 2017".

    Since 2010, at the end of each year we compiled the articles that are posted monthly on our website in a book to allow our readers an outlook on the year's key legal developments. This book of articles now published for the eighth year, has attracted growing attention from our clients, business partners and fellow practitioners over the years. We continued the tradition of the past years for this publication of Newsletter 2017. In 2017, our team wrote on a wide variety of legal disciplines some of which are in new areas of law developed in parallel to meet the needs of the today's business. Further we did not leave out the importance of comparative law and our team researched on the developments in foreign legislations including the European Union.(ÖNSÖZDEN)


        Importance of ICC Model Contracts as Part of Soft Law
        Legal Requirements for Board of Director Membership of Joint Stock Companies
        Pre-emptive Right in Joint Stock Companies
        Capital Increase through Internal Resources in Joint Stock Companies
        Features of Joint Venture Contract
        Voting Agreements under Turkish Law
        Stock Option Plans in Turkey
        Holding Company Structure under Turkish Law
        Carriage of Goods by Road under the Turkish Commercial Code
        Liability of the Sea Carrier for the Carriage of Goods under Turkish Law
        Right to Information and Inspection by the Shareholders in Limited Liability Companies

          The Turkish Competition Board Decides About the Scope of Legal Professional Privilege
          Umbrella Effect within the Framework of Private Competition Enforcement
          Competition Board's Recent Examinations in the Electricity Sector: Back to the Past
          Block Exemption Communiqué on Vertical Agreements and Concerted Practices in the Motor Vehicle Sector
          Evaluation of the European Commission E-Commerce Sector Inquiry with regard to Consumer Goods
          Competition Authority's Sector Inquiry Report on Television Broadcasting
          Excessive Pricing
          Draft Guideline on Vertical Agreements and the Related Workshop of the Competition Authority
          Selective Distribution Systems under the Light of Coty Decision
          European Commission Approves Microsoft's Acquisition of LinkedIn Subject to Conditions
          Amazon Decision and E-Book Commitments

            ICC Expedited Procedure Rules in accordance with the ICC Note on the Conduct of Arbitration
            Current Issues in Expedited Procedures in Arbitration
            Relationship between Arbitrability and Public Policy in Light of the Decisions of the Court of Cassation
            The Effect of the Principle of Separability on Determination of the Law Applicable to Arbitration Agreements - I
            The Effect of the Principle of Separability on Determination of the Law Applicable to Arbitration Agreements - II
            Costs and Reduction of Costs in Arbitration
            Enforcement of Arbitral Awards Set Aside at the Seat of Arbitration
            International Arbitration in Banking and Finance Sector within the Context of the ICC Commission Report
            Swiss Federal Court Refused a Set Aside Request Based on the Failure of the Tribunal to Appoint an Independent Expert in Arbitration Proceedings
            ICSID Tribunal's Decision on the Claims of İçkale İnşaat against Turkmenistan
            Moral Damages Claim in Investment Arbitration
            Umbrella Clauses in Investment Arbitration

              Property Certificates
              Activities of Foreign Investment Institutions in Turkey
              Amendments to the Communiqué on Disclosure of Material Events
              Recent Amendments to the Debt Securities Communiqué
              The Draft Law on Crowdfunding

                LAW OF OBLIGATIONS
                Evaluation of Decisions of the 11th Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation with regard to the Commencement Date of the Statute of Limitations for Claims arising from Anti-competitive Conduct
                The Unlikelihood of a Subsequent Debt Repayment in accordance with the Swiss Federal Court Decision Dated 21 July 2015
                Movable Pledge Agreements in Commercial Transactions
                Electronic Contracting in Turkey
                Bank Letters of Credit
                Handover of the Leased Property after Conclusion of the Lease Agreement
                Special Lien in Favour of the Lessor
                Seller's Liability Due to Defects in Purchase Agreements
                Non-competition Clauses for Employees: Limitation of Non-competition Clauses in terms of Place, Time, Subject and Restriction Authority of the Judge

                  ENERGY LAW
                  Key Amendments to Regulation on Licensed and Unlicensed Electricity and New Regulation on Renewable Energy Zones
                  Control of Packing Wastes in Turkey and the General Framework of Legislation

                    Trademark Rights under Industrial Property Law 
                    Trademark Right Infringements on the Internet
                    Patent Rights under Industrial Property Law
                    Intellectual Property Rights of the Employers

                      PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION
                      The EU General Data Protection Regulation and Its Territorial Scope
                      Destruction of Personal Data
                      Protection of Personal Data within the Scope of Labor Law
                      Employer's Right to Govern and Personal Data Management

                        Agreement Which Is Signed at the End of Mediation and Its Legal Qualification
                        Mandatory Mediation in Labor Disputes

                          Turkish Wealth Fund
                          Operation of Economic Enterprises by Foundations
                          How the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the UK Bribery Act 2010 Can Impact Foreign Companies?
                          Approach to Trust Law from a Civil Law Perspective
                          Single European Sky
                          Industry 4.0 and Its Impact in the Legal World
                          General Legal Framework of Pharmaceutical Industry in Turkey
                          The Court of Cassation Decision of the Unification of Judgments holding that Receivables based on a Verdict may not be put into Enforcement Proceedings without a Verdict

                            LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS
                            Important International Agreements
                            Important Council of Ministers Resolutions
                            The Grand National Assembly of Turkey Decisions
                            Important Changes and Developments in Laws
                            Important Changes and Developments in Regulations
                            Important Changes and Developments in Communiqués
                            Important Changes and Developments in General Communiqués
                            Important Changes and Developments
                            Important Legislation and Decisions regarding Competition
                            Important Legislation and Decisions regarding Mergers and Acquisitions
                            Important Publications and Decisions regarding Privatization
                            Important Changes and Development regarding Energy Law
                            Important Case Law and Other Important Decisions


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