Newsletter 2020

Yayınevi: Oniki Levha Yayınları
Yazar: H. Ercüment ERDEM

ISBN: 9786257334853

81,00 TL 90,00 TL


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Kitap Künyesi
Yazar H. Ercüment ERDEM
Baskı Tarihi 2021/04
Baskı Sayısı 1
Boyut 16x24 cm (Standart Kitap Boyu)
Cilt Sert Kapak (İplik Dikiş)
Sayfa Sayısı 533

2020 will be remembered as a year of difficulties in which we have witnessed the Covid-19, the most infectious pandemic in the last century, the loss of our loved ones, the closure of our businesses, and have been trapped in our homes. Even in such hard times, we have adapted to the effects of the Covid-19 epidemic and, despite all of the obstacles, we are honored to present to you our new book, 'Newsletter 2020'. Our Newsletter 2020 also contains articles in which we discuss the effects of Covid-19 on the legal environment. We have examined Covid-19 in terms of corporate law, competition law, lease agreements, arbitration, labor law, sports law and tax law. We have published 13 articles in the field of commercial law. We published 11 competition law related articles. As a GAR100 listed law firm with a proven track record in international arbitration, we published 12 articles. Within the field of capital markets law, very significant legal regulations were made. The Communiqué on the principles of abolishing privileges, the Communiqué on significant transactions and retirement rights, and the Communiqué on board of debt instrument holders, were analyzed in some of the articles. We also examined collateral agreements on capital market instruments. With respect to civil procedure law, we both discussed the amendments to the civil procedure law, and examined two important decisions of the Court of Cassation General Assembly on the Unification of Case Law. In terms of tax law, we addressed the recent amendments made to the tax legislation, the withholding tax regime envisaged for share buybacks, special consumption tax, taxation of capital decreases in partial spin-offs, tax reductions for tax-compliant taxpayers, non-physical gold sales, and the BITT. In addition, we discussed current issues in the fields of sports law, business law, intellectual property law, information technology law and protection of personal data. We also looked into topics of interest, such as the evidential value of WhatsApp employee correspondence, as well as the changes in the energy market. The chapter on Legal Developments provides global insight into material developments in international agreements, laws, presidential decisions, regulations, and communiqués, the decisions of the Turkish Competition Board Authority, important developments in energy law legislation, as well as extracts of key precedents that were adopted in 2020. It has been a generous year in terms of various legal regulations. We believe that this last chapter portrays an executive look on legal developments.(ÖNSÖZDEN)


      An Update from the ICC: The ICC Force Majeure and Hardship Clauses 2020
      Two Alternatives to Physical Board Meetings: Circulation Method and Electronic Board Meetings
      Null and Void Resolutions of Boards of Directors in Joint Stock Companies
      Issues Regarding Use of Right to Vote in Joint Stock Companies
      Freezing of Voting Rights in Joint Stock Companies
      Veto Rights in Joint Stock Companies
      Transfer of Pledged Joint Stock Company Shares
      Certain Shareholder Rights in Companies' Acquisition of its Own Shares
      Limitations to Dividend Distributions of Capital Companies and Exceptions Thereof
      Legal Liability of Limited Company Managers
      Presentation of a Cheque and Force Majeure Pursuant to the Law No. 7226 on the Amendment to Certain Laws
      Freight Forwarder Contract under Turkish Law
      Ship Hypothéque under Turkish Law

        Communiqué on the Principles of Abolishing Privileges
        Communiqué on Significant Transactions and Retirement Right
        The Communiqué on Board of Debt Instrument Holders
        Contracts of Guarantee Relating to Capital Market Instruments
        Bitcoin under Turkish Law

          A New Era in Lease Agreements
          Adaptation of Lease Agreements within the Scope of New Coronavirus (COVID-19)
          Amendment of the Law on Form of Contracts between Debit Card and Credit Card Issuers and Card Holders

            Evaluation of COVID 19 Outbreak in Terms of Turkish Competition Law
            Amendments in the Law on the Protection of Competition
            Compliance Obligations with International Laws and Competition Board's Data Access Requests
            Setting Legal Grounds for On-site Inspections
            Competition Board's Guideline on the Examination of Digital Data during On-site Inspections
            The Commitment Mechanism in Competition Law Investigations in Turkey and the European Union
            Addressing the Finalization of the Competition Board Decisions as Preliminary Issue in Compensation Lawsuits
            Competition Board Fine of Banks and Financial Institutions for Not Providing Information and Documents
            The New Cartel Decision of the Competition Board
            Standard of Proof in Cartel Allegations in Light of Turkish Competition Board's Egg Producers Decision
            The File of; A Phoenix Story

              ARBITRATION LAW
              Impact of COVID -19 on Arbitration
              2021 ICC Arbitration Rules
              LCIA Rules 2020
              Voluntary Document Production in Arbitration: Civil-Law Approach
              ICSID Sets New Ethical Standards for Adjudicators
              Revisions of the Swiss International Arbitration Law
              ICC Report on Emergency Arbitrator Proceedings
              A Tale of Two Proceedings: Arbitration and Insolvency
              Blockchain, Smart Contracts and Arbitration
              Review of Arbitration Agreement in Mandatory Mediation Procedures
              Istanbul Regional Court of Appeal Decisions Regarding Law No. 805 on Mandatory Use of Turkish Language in Arbitration Agreements
              Enka v Chubb: Law Applicable to the Arbitration Agreement

                CIVIL PROCEDURE LAW
                Significant Changes to be made in the Code of Civil Procedure
                Evidential Contracts in Turkish Law of Evidence
                The Decision of the Court of Cassation of the Unification of Judgments holding that the Maturity Date on Time-Barred Bond Cannot Be Used as the Basis of Default
                Joint Liability Arising from the Payment of Attorneys' Fees in accordance with the Attorneys' Law in Light of the Decision of the Court of Cassation General Assembly on the Unification of Judgments
                An Important Decision of the Court of Cassation on Mandatory Mediation in Commercial Disputes
                A Precedent Decision of the Court of Cassation on Uncertain Receivable Lawsuits and the Prohibition to Give Unexpected Judgments
                The Constitutional Court Decision Regarding the Effect of the Expert Report in the Partial Claim, on the Additional Claim

                  TAX LAW
                  Force Majeure in terms of Turkish Tax Legislation and Coronavirus Effect on Tax Practices
                  Withholding Tax Regime Envisaged for Share Buybacks
                  Special Consumption Tax from Past to Today
                  Taxation of Sportsperson in Light of Current Changes
                  Taxation of Capital Decrease in Partial Spin-Off
                  Non-Physical Gold Sales and BITT
                  Tax Reduction for Tax-Compliant Taxpayers In Light of Current Developments

                    LABOR LAW
                    Penalty Clauses Related to Termination of Employment Contracts in Light of the Unification of Case Law
                    Effects of the Force Majeure Concept in Labor Law
                    Recruitment of Turkish Employees in Overseas Countries

                      SPORTS LAW
                      How the Covid-19 Outbreak has affected the Law of Football: FIFA's Guiding Principles
                      Contract for Temporary Transfer of Professional Football Players

                        INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW
                        Trademark License Agreements
                        Relative Grounds for Refusal in Trademark Registrations
                        Protection of Trade Secrets

                          PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION
                          Turkish Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and European General Data Protection Regulation

                            INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LAW
                            Internet Actors in Law No. 5651
                            What Has Come About through the Social Media Regulation?

                              A Bizarre Decision of the Assembly of Civil Chambers of the Court of Cassation Regarding Simulated Transaction of Legator
                              French Courts Denied Exequatur to a Turkish Judgment
                              The Court of Cassation's Opinion on the Evidential Value of WhatsApp Employee Correspondence
                              Changes Brought to the Energy Market through Law Numbered 7257
                              Services Provided by Coastal Facilities and Applicable Tariffs

                                LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS
                                Important International Agreements
                                Important President Resolutions
                                The Grand National Assembly of Turkey Decisions
                                Important Changes and Developments in Laws
                                Important Changes and Developments in Regulations
                                Important Changes and Developments in Communiqués
                                Important Changes and Developments in General Communiqués
                                Important Changes and Developments
                                Important Legislation and Decisions regarding Competition
                                Important Legislation and Decisions regarding Mergers and Acquisitions
                                Important Changes and Development regarding Energy Law

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