The Contracts In The Ottoman Legal And Economıc Systems

(An Essay On The Nıneteenth Century)
Yayınevi: Yetkin Yayınları
Yazar: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Burak BULUTTEKİN

ISBN: 9786050515923

212,50 TL 250,00 TL


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Kitap Künyesi
Yazar Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Burak BULUTTEKİN
Baskı Tarihi 2023/06
Baskı Sayısı 1
Boyut 16x24 cm (Standart Kitap Boyu)
Cilt Karton kapak
Sayfa Sayısı 197

To my wife Derya, my son Yiğit and my daughter Zeynep Duru with gratitude…

PREFACE People have to meet their needs in order to survive. Their needs are met through production and consumption activities. This activity requires the establishment of mutual relations as a requirement of social life. Contract refers to any transaction based on the agreement of mutual wills. With the establishment of the contractual relationship, the parties gain both a legal obligation and a legal guarantee. As in all societies, contracts have a special importance in Ottoman social life. For many years, people in the Ottoman society were in various contractual relations to carry out their economic relations with each other. Because, citizens have been provided with contracts for sale, hire, guarantee, transfer of debt, pledges, trust and trusteeship, gift, joint ownership, agency et al. The legal qualities of these contracts have been the subject of various legal texts. The contracts, which had an important place in Ottoman social life in the late nineteenth century, were placed on a legal basis with the Mecelle-i Ahkâm-ı Adliyye (The Ottoman Civil Code). The focus of the study is the law of contracts, and therefore the provisions regarding the contracts that fall under the private law of obligations regulated in this Code constitute the basis of our study. In this respect, it would be correct to see the contracts as an economic and legal transaction that mainly arises from an economic relationship between individuals and imposes some legal responsibilities on the parties in terms of its consequences. This study mainly aims to examine the contracts in the Ottoman legal and economic system at the end of the nineteenth century. In the study, it has been especially tried to include the discussions and problems on this issue in doctrine and practice. The problems are discussed from a legal and economic perspective. I hope this modest study will be useful to the readers. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Burak BULUTTEKİN 27.05.2023 / Diyarbakır



ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..............................................................................9


ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................15

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................17


SUBJECT ..........................................................................................17

II. PURPOSE AND LIMITS OF THE STUDY ..................................18

III. SCOPE AND PLAN OF THE STUDY...........................................20




I. IN GENERAL...................................................................................23

II. OTTOMAN EMPIRE AND ECONOMICS...................................23

A. The Foundations of The Ottoman Economic System .................24

B. Ottoman Production Structure ....................................................28

C. Ottoman Tax Practices................................................................34

III. OTTOMAN EMPIRE AND LAW..................................................38

IV. MECELLE-I AHKÂM-I ADLIYYE ..............................................46


AHKÂM REGISTERS.....................................................................47





I. IN GENERAL...................................................................................53

II. CONCEPT OF CONTRACT ..........................................................53

III. ELEMENTS OF CONTRACT........................................................55

A. Declaration of Intention ..............................................................55

B. Parties..........................................................................................57

C. Subject of Contract .....................................................................59

IV. TERMS OF CONTRACT................................................................60

A. Conditions of Establishment.......................................................61

1. Conformance of the Declarations of Intention ...................62

2. Capacity to Contract...........................................................62

3. Consent of the Parties.........................................................65

4. The Subject of the Contract Is Convenient and


5. Assembly Union .................................................................68

B. Validity Conditions.....................................................................69

C. Enforcement Conditions .............................................................72

D. Binding Conditions.....................................................................73

V. CLASSIFICATION OF CONTRACTS .........................................74

A. Contracts According to Their Legitimacy ..................................75

B. Contracts According to Their Validity........................................75

C. Contracts According to Their Enforcement................................76

D. Contracts According to Their Binding........................................76

E. Contracts According to Their Subject.........................................77

F. Contracts According to Their Purpose........................................78

G. Contracts According to Their Forms ..........................................78

H. Contracts According to Their Reciprocity..................................79


I. Contracts According to Their Specificality ................................79

J. Contracts According to Their Indemnification



CONTRACTS ...................................................................................80

A. Void Contracts............................................................................81

B. Vicious Contracts........................................................................82

C. Conditional Contracts .................................................................85

VII. RIGHT OF OPTION IN CONTRACTS ........................................86

A. Contractual Options....................................................................87

B. Option for Misdescription...........................................................89

C. Option as to Payment..................................................................90

D. Option as to Selection .................................................................90

E. Option as to Inspection ...............................................................91

F. Option for Defect ........................................................................92

VIII. PROVISION OF CONTRACTS.....................................................94

IX. Expiration of Contract .....................................................................95

A. Non-Binding Contract.................................................................96

B. Termination of Contract..............................................................97

C. Mutual Rescission.......................................................................99




I. IN GENERAL.................................................................................103

II. ONEROUS CONTRACTS ............................................................104

A. Contract of Sale.........................................................................104

B. Contract of Selem .....................................................................112

C. Contract of Sarf.........................................................................114


D. Contract of Hire ........................................................................116

III. JOINT OWNERSHIP CONTRACTS ..........................................121

A. Gratuitous Joint Ownership Contract........................................122

B. Joint Ownership of Property Contract ......................................122

C. Partnership Contract..................................................................125

1. Contract of the Partnership in Property ............................126

2. Contract of the Partnership of Work.................................128

3. Contract of the Partnership on Credit...............................130

D. Contract of Mudaraba Partnership ............................................131

E. Contract of Partition..................................................................137

IV. GUARANTEE CONTRACTS.......................................................141

A. Contract of Custodian ...............................................................141

B. Contract of Pledge.....................................................................146

C. Contract of Transfer..................................................................149

D. Contract of the Deposit for Safe Keeping.................................152

V. GIFT CONTRACTS ......................................................................155

A. Contract of Grant ......................................................................155

B. Contract of the Loan for Use ....................................................158

C. Contract of Qarz........................................................................160

D. Contract of Testamentary..........................................................164

E. Contract of Settlement ..............................................................166

F. Contract of Release ...................................................................170

CONCLUSION .........................................................................................175




COA, A.DVNS.AHK.IS.d. 20, p. 214, prov. no. 536, Fî evâsıt-ı S Sene

1244/August 1828.

COA, A.DVNS.AHK.IS.d. 20, p. 26, prov. no. 77, Fî evâhir-i Ra Sene

1236/January 1821.

COA, A.DVNS.AHK.IS.d. 20, p. 52, prov. no. 150, Fî evâil-i M Sene

1237/October 1821.

COA, A.DVNS.AHK.IS.d. 23, p. 57, prov. no. 130, Fî evâil-i R Sene

1266/February 1850.

COA, A.DVNS.AHK.IS.d. 23, p. 90, prov. no. 211, Fî evâsıt-ı Ş Sene

1267/June 1851.

COA, A.DVNS.ŞKT.d. 12, p. 8, prov. no. 28, Fî evâil-i M Sene

1100/November 1688.

COA, A.DVNS.ŞKT.d. 12, p. 168, prov. no. 761, Fî evâsıt-ı Ra Sene

1100/January 1689.

COA, A.DVNS.ŞKT.d. 14, p. 142, prov. no. 586, Fî evâsıt-ı M Sene

1102/October 1690.

COA, A.DVNS.ŞKT.d. 14, p. 49, prov. no 228, Fî evâhir-i L Sene

1101/August 1690.

COA, A.DVNS.ŞKT.d. 58, p. 422, prov. no. 1, Fî evâhir-i S Sene

1125/March 1713.

COA, A.DVNS.ŞKT.d. 58, p. 435, prov. no. 4, Fî evâhir-i S Sene

1125/March 1713.

COA, A.DVNS.ŞKT.d. 73, p. 24, prov. no. 3, Fî evâil-i Ra Sene

1129/February 1717.

COA, A.DVNS.ŞKT.d. 73, p. 247, prov. no. 3, Fî evâhir-i Ca Sene

1127/April 1717.




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