Introduction To Turkish Commercial Law

Yayınevi: Seçkin Yayınları
Yazar: Melih Uğraş EROL

ISBN: 9789750279065

184,50 TL 205,00 TL


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Kitap Künyesi
Yazar Melih Uğraş EROL
Baskı Tarihi 2022/08
Baskı Sayısı 4
Boyut 13,5x19,5 cm (Roman Boyu)
Cilt Karton kapak

Mevcut Türk Ticaret Hukuku konularını içeren eserlerin çoğu elbette ki Türkçe kaleme alınmaktadır. Fakat günümüz koşullarında yabancı dilde eğitim veren kurumlar ve yabancı yatırımcılar İngilizce bir Türk Ticaret Hukuku kitabı yazımının ihtiyacını ve önemini göstermektedirler. Bu kitabın özellikle yabancı dilde eğitim veren üniversite ve kurumların ticaret hukuku konularına yardımcı olacağı düşünülmektedir. Ayrıca kitabın yabancı yatırımcılara ve meslek kuruluşlarına da Türk Ticaret Hukuku ile ilgili bilgiler aktaracağı beklenmektedir. Bilindiği üzere ticaret hukuku binlerce sayfa ile ele alabileceğimiz bir hukuk daldır. Her ne kadar Türk Ticaret Hukukunun tüm detayları bu kitaba sığdırılamamışsa da başlıca meseleleri kitabın kimi yerlerinde detaylı, kimi yerlerinde ise konuların kapsamlılığı nedeni ile daha özet incelenmiştir. Fakat hiç bir konu atlanmadan ele alınmaya çalışılmıştır.

The book of Turkish Commercial Law prepared to respond some necessities. Turkish Commercial Law books used to be written in Turkish. However, the present conditions necessitated a Turkish Commercial Law book in English. Educational institutions and foreign investors increased this necessity. This book can be reference for universities, students, academics, foreign investors and business organizations. The topics of commercial law can be examined with thousands of pages. This book could not involve every detail available in the Turkish Commercial Law, but all of the issues had tried to be covered. Some parts of the book detailed the main issues of Turkish Commercial Law. However, some parts handled some issues in a more abstract way.

Konu Başlıkları
Introduction to Turkish Commercial Law
Commercial Enterprise in Turkish Commercial Law
Commercial Matters, Commercial Provisions, Commercial Litigation
Assistants Of Traders
Commercial Books, Trade Registry, Open Account
Trade Name, Commercial Enterprise Name, Trademarks
Investment, Intellectual Property and Patent Rights
A Brief Introduction to Unfair Competition
Commercial Companies
Legal Framework of Company Merger and Takeover
Outbound Acquisitions of Turkish Companies
A Brief Introduction to Commercial Papers
A Brief Introduction to Commercial Maritime Law
Önsöz  7
Preface  9
Abbreviations  21
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Turkish Commercial
Law  23
1. Turkish Commercial Law  25
1.1. Turkish Commercial Code Law No. 6102  26
1.2. Relation Of The TCC, TCL, And TCO  27
1.3. Turkish Protection of Competition Code Law No. 4054 (TCPC)  28
1.4. Turkish Capital Market Law No. 6362 (TCML)  29
1.5. Turkish Law of Checks Law No. 5941 (TLC)  29
CHAPTER 2 Commercial Enterprise in Turkish Commercial Law  31
1. Commercial Enterprıse And Its Factors  33
1.1. Exceeding The Limits Of A Craftsperson’s Income  33
1.2. Aim To Gain Income  35
1.3. Continuity  35
1.4. Independence  35
2. Centre And Branch Offıces  36
CHAPTER 3 Commercial Matters Commercial Provisions Commercial Litigation  39
1. Commercial Matters  41
1.1. Determining Commercial Matters  41
1.1.1. Matters Regulated by the TCC  42
1.1.2. Matters Related with Commercial Enterprises  42
1.1.3. Presumption of Commercial Matters  43
1.1.4. Matters That Are Commercıal For One Of The Parties  44
1.2. Results of Commercial Matters  44
1.2.1. Presumption Of Solidarity  45
1.2.2. Interest In Commercial Matters  45
1.2.3. Exceedıng The Maximum Upper Limit In Commercial Matters  47
1.2.4. Lapse Of Time In Commercial Matters  48
2. Commercial Provisions  48
2.1. Provisions That Can Be Applied To Commercial Matters  49
2.1.1. Statutory Provisions Of Law  50
2.1.2. Contractual Provisions  50
2.1.3. Complementary Commercial Provision  51
2.1.4. Commercial Usage and Custom  51
2.1.5. General Provisions  52
3. Commercial Litigation  52
3.1. Commercial Cases  53
3.1.1. Peremptory Commercial Cases  53
3.1.2. Proportional Commercial Cases  54
3.2. Commercial Courts in the Turkish Legal System  54
CHAPTER 4 Traders  55
1. Natural Person Traders  57
1.1. Existence Of A Commercial Enterprise  58
1.2. Operating A Commercial Enterprise  58
1.3.Perating Commercial Enterprises On Behalf Of Oneself  60
2. Special Provisions On Natural Person Traders  61
2.1. Traders As MinorsUnder The Care Of A Guardian  61
2.2. People Debarred From Commerce  61
3. Corporate Legal Person Traders  62
3.1. Commercial Companies As Traders  63
3.2. Associations That Operate Commercial Companies  63
3.3. Other Institutions  64
4. Provisions And Results Of Traders  64
4.1. Bankruptcy  66
4.2.Using Trade Names  66
4.3. Registering With The Trade Registry  66
4.4.Maintainıng Commercial Books  67
4.5. Actıng As A Prudent Businessperson  67
4.6. Denunciations And Notices  67
4.7.Presumption Of Commercial Affairs  68
4.8.Right To Ask For Payment And Interest  68
4.9. Invoices And Confirmation Letters  69
4.10. Decreases Of Payments And Contracts  70
4.11. Provision Of The Right Of Lien  70
4.12. Registering To Related Chambers  72
4.13.Trade Usage And Custom  72
CHAPTER 5 Assistants Of Traders  73
1. Dependent Trader Assistants  75
1.1. Commercial Representatives  75
1.2. Commercial Deputies  79
1.3. Marketing Associates  81
1.3.1. Obligations Of Marketing Associates  82 Following Instructions  82 Prohibition From Competition  83 Rendering Information  83 Lack Of Warranty Obligations  83 Working In Commercial Enterprises —Workplace  84
1.3.2. Marketing Associates’ Rights  85 Right To Payment  85 Right To Monopoly  86 Right To Ask For Expenses  86 Right of Lien  87
1.3.3. End of Marketing Associate Contracts  88 Special Results  88
2. Independent Trader Assistants  89
2.1. Intermediaries  89
2.1.1. Payment of Fees  90
2.1.2. Termination of Intermedıary Contracts  91
2.2. Agents  92
2.2.1. Competences of Agents  94 Transactions and rights–protecting statements  94 Competences in courts and litigations  94 Transactions with permissionprocuration  95 Transactions with permissionprocuration  95
2.2.2. Agents’ Obligations  96 Protecting Traders’ Interests  96 Liability For Damages  96 Notification Of Clients  96 Taking Precautions  97 Paying Debts  97
2.2.3. Rights Of Agents  98 Right To Remuneration  98 Extraordinary Expenses and Interest  101 Right To Lien  101
2.2.4. Obligations of Client Traders  102
2.2.5. Termination Of The Agency Contract  103
2.2.6. Offsetting  104
2.2.7. Prohibition Of Compensation  106
2.3. Commissioners  107
2.3.1. Commissioners In The TCO  108 Obligations of Commissioners In the TCO  109 Rights of Commissioners In the TCO  109
2.3.2. Commissioners In The TCC  111 Obligations Of Freight Forwards In The TCC  111 Rights Of Freight Forwards  112
CHAPTER 6 Commercial Books Trade Registry
Open Account  113
1. Commercial Books  115
2. Trade Registry  117
3. Open Account  120
CHAPTER 7 Trade Name Commercial Enterprise
Name Trademarks  123
1. Trade Name  125
1.2. Forms Of Trade Names  126
1.2.1. Trade Names Of Natural Person Traders  126
1.2.2. Trade Names Of Legal Entıty Traders  126 Ordinary Partnerships  127 Collective Partnerships And Commandite Companies  127 Joint Stock, Limited, And Cooperatives  127 Associations, Foundations, and Associations of Ship–owners  128
1.2.3. Annexes of Trade Names  128
1.3. Continuity And Turnover Of Trade Names, And Branch Office Trade Names  129
1.4. Protection Of Trade Names  130
2. Commercial Enterprise Names  132
3. Trademarks  132
3.1. Protectıon of Trademark  133
CHAPTER 8 Investment, Intellectual Property and Patent Rights  137
1. Two Important International Legal Documents  141
2. IP And Patent Rights In Turkish Domestic Law  143
3. Trademarks And Investment  144
4. Patents And Investments  146
5. Industrial Design And Investment  148
6. Geographical Indications And Investment  150
CHAPTER 9 A Brief Introduction to Unfair Competition  151
1. Unfair Competition And Its Elements  153
2. Results Of Unfair Competition  154
2.1. Civil Results  155
2.1.1. Declaratory Judgment Action  155
2.1.2. Actions To Prevent Unfair Competition  156
2.1.3. Action For Restitution  156
2.1.4. Actions For Compensation  156
2.2. Criminal Results  157
CHAPTER 10 Commercial Companies  161
1. Ordinary Partnerships  163
1.1. Dissolution Of Ordinary Partnerships  165
2. Collective Partnerships  166
2.1. The Function Of Collective Partnerships  168
2.1.1. Right To Govern  168
2.1.2. Right To Pay Interest  169
2.1.3. Right To Audit  169
2.1.4. Sharing Of Profits And Losses  170
2.1.5. Prohibition Of Competition  170
2.2. Dissolution Of Collective Companies  171
3. Commandite Companies  173
4. Joint Stock Companies  176
4.1. Establishment Of Joint Stock Companies  177
4.2. Functioning Of Joint Stock Companies  178
4.2.1. BoD In Joint Stock Companies  178 BoD Duties And Powers In Joint Stock Companies  182 BoD Obligations In Joint Stock Companies  182 Bod Member Liabilities  187
4.2.2. Auditors in Joint Stock Companies  189
4.2.3. GA In Joint Stock Companies  193 General Provisions On GA Functioning  195 Right To Information  197 Right To Request Special Audit  198 Privileged Shares  199 Action To Nullity And Invalidity Of GA Decisions  202 Changing The Articles Of Association  203 Shares, Share Certificates, And Securities  204 Dissolution/Liquidation Of Joint Stock Companies  206
5. Limited Partnerships Divided Into Shares  210
6. Limited Companies  211
6.1. Rights And Duties Of Shareholders  214
6.2. Organs Of Limited Companies: GA And Managers  217
6.3. Dissolution and Liquidation of limited Companies  224
CHAPTER 11 Legal Framework of Company Merger and Takeover  227
1. TCC, Merger, Takeover, Etc.  230
2. TCPC (Law No. 4054)  234
3. TCML (Law No. 6362)  237
4. TCO  240
CHAPTER 12 Outbound Acquisitions of Turkish Companies  243
1. General Information And Procedures  245
2. Law On The Protection Of The Value Of The Turkish Currency (LPTC)  247
3. Banking Law  248
4. Mutual Investment Incitement And Protection (MIIP) Treaties  249
5. Double Taxation Treaty (DTT)  251
CHAPTER 13 A Brief Introduction to Commercial Papers  253
1. General Provisions  255
2. Negotiable Instruments As Commercial Papers  257
2.1. Bills Of Exchange  257
2.1.2. Responsibilities Of Signatories And Issuers  259
2.2. Promissory Notes  259
2.2.1. Responsibilities Of Issuers  260
2.3. Checks  261
CHAPTER 14 A Brief Introduction to Commercial Maritime Law  263
1. What is Commercial Maritime Law?  264
2. Commercial Maritime Law in TCC  264
3. Ship  265
4. Maritime Trade Agreements  265
5. International Law and Commercial Maritime Law  266
CHAPTER 15 A Brief Introduction to Turkish Insurance Law  267
1. Parties of Turkish Insurance Contracts  269
2. Subject Matters of Insurance, Obligations of Insurer and Obligations of Insured  270
3. Reinsurance and End of Insurance Contract  273
4. Some Important Terms in Insurance Law  273
Bibliography  275
Özgeçmiş – Resume  279

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