Harmonising Role of The New York Convention

Yayınevi: Yetkin Yayınları
Yazar: Bihter KAYTAZ EKER

ISBN: 9786050507256

297,50 TL 350,00 TL


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Kitap Künyesi
Yazar Bihter KAYTAZ EKER
Baskı Tarihi 2020/12
Baskı Sayısı 1
Boyut 16x24 cm (Standart Kitap Boyu)
Cilt Karton kapak
Sayfa Sayısı 386

The United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (“the New York Convention”), signed on 10 June 1958, has provided a unique legal framework for the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards and arbitration agreements. Having been adopted by 166 States at the time of this book, the NYC represents the most significant convention in the field. Being widely adopted around the world more than any other international documents, it is time to assess its meaning for international arbitration. The NYC has played miscellaneous roles since its birth, and this book aims to address such an assessment within the context of its harmonising role. It provides a specific lens to offer a clear and comprehensive picture of harmonising role of the New York Convention and where future research should focus.

Having celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2018, this book, putting the role and significance of the NYC in the right context, would serve to pay tribute to the creators of the NYC on the one hand, and on the other hand would gain more attention than ever to direct effort to the right sources for further development in the field.









IntroductiBIBLIOGRAPHYon 17

1.1. Circumstances Setting the Stage for the Geneva Protocol and        the Geneva Convention 17

1.2. The Geneva Protocol and the Geneva Convention 23

1.3. Reactions to the Shortcomings of the Geneva Treaties 32



Introduction 41

2.1. Scope of application 45

2.2. Arbitration Agreements 50

2.2.1. The Validity of Arbitration Agreements 51

2.2.2. The Effect of Arbitration Agreements 54

2.3. Arbitral Awards 59

2.3.1. Procedure 59

2.3.2. Formalities for applications for enforcement and 

grounds for refusal 62

2.4. Relationship to other instruments 74

2.5. Other possible measures 76






Introduction 85

3.1. Harmonisation of Arbitration Concepts Regarding 

Standards for Enforceability of Arbitration Agreements 96

3.1.1. Territorial scope of Article II 96

3.1.2. Harmonisation around the basic characteristics of 

the New York Convention’s regime on 

arbitration agreements 100 Presumptive validity of arbitration agreements 100 Exceptions 108 Obligation to refer parties to a valid 

arbitration agreement to arbitration 114

3.2. Harmonisation of Arbitration Concepts Regarding the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards 117

3.2.1. Scope of application 117

3.2.2. Harmonisation of enforcement of foreign arbitral awards under the regime of the New York Convention 126 Presumptive obligation to recognise 

arbitral awards 127 Formalities under Article IV 127 Grounds for refusal 133 The term “binding” 139 The term “suspended” 144 The phrase “the competent authority of the country underthe law of which 

the award was made” 147 Arbitral subject matters 

and the public policy 

defence 154 No affirmative obligation to deny enforcement 164 Procedure 181


Introduction 184

4.1. The Effect of the New York Convention on 

the Model Law 186

4.1.1. Scope of Application 186

4.1.2. Relationship between Arbitration and Courts 188 Circumstances for court involvement 

if the place of arbitration is in the country 

of the court 190 Circumstances for court involvement 

irrespective of where the place of arbitration is 195

4.1.3. The Conduct of Arbitration Proceedings 204

4.1.4. The 2006 Amendment 207

4.2. The Effect of the New York Convention on Legislative 

Revisions in Model Law Countries 209

4.3. The Effect of the New York Convention on Legislative 

Revisions in non-Model Law Countries 216

4.3.1. France 216

4.3.2. Switzerland 221

4.3.3. England 222

4.3.4. Sweden 230



Introduction 231

5.1. Limitations in Relation to the Scope of Application 231

5.2. Arbitration Agreement and Enforcement of Interim Measures 234

5.2.1. Reached limits with the launch of the UNCITRAL 235

5.2.2. The standard of review of arbitration agreements 

in pre-award stage 236

5.3. A dilemma emerging with the trend of concluding 

multi-tiered dispute resolution clause 245

5.4. Inadequacies of the Actual Execution System 252

5.5. Enforcement of Annulled Awards 257

5.5.1. Overview of approaches regarding the enforcement

of annulled arbitral awards 258 Germany 258 The Netherlands 260 United Kingdom 263 United States 264 France 271 Evaluations of approaches adopted by courts 

in different jurisdictions 277

5.5.2. Is there a future role for the New York Convention? 281

5.6. Looking to the Future: What may be the Next? 283

5.6.1. Calls for a New Convention and Reactions 284

5.6.2. Some Suggestions for Further Harmonisation 291



Official Documents 303

Court Decisions 310

Legislations 353

Books and Articles 355

Electronic Sources 368

Annex 1: Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (The New York Convention) 371

Annex 2: The Geneva Convention on the Execution of Foreign 

Arbitral Awards of 1927 379

Annex 3: The Geneva Protocol on Arbitration Clauses of 1923 384

Documents are listed chronologically

The Committee on International Commercial Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce, Report and Preliminary Draft Convention, adopted at the meeting of 13 March 1953, originally published in 1953 as ICC Publication No. 174, which is no longer available for distribution, pp. 10-12. It is reproduced in ‘Enforcement of International Arbitral Awards’, the ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin, Vol. 9/No.1-May 1998.

Resolution 520(VII) of the Economic and Social Council (17th Session), 6 April 1954.

United Nations Economic and Social Council, Resolution 570(XIX)-Enforcement of International Arbitral Awards, 853rd Plenary Meeting, 20 May 1955.

Report of the Committee on the Enforcement of International Arbitral Awards, nineteenth session, item 14, UN DOC E/2704, E/AC.42/4/Rev.1, 28 March 1955. 

Draft Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, UN DOC E/2704, E/AC.42/4/Rev.1, 28 March 1955, Annex.

Report by the Secretary-General, UN DOC E/2822, twenty-first session, item 8, 31 January 1956. 

Comments by Governments and Organisations on the Draft Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, UN DOC E/2822 Add.1-6, UN DOC E/2822/Corr.1 and UN DOC E/Conf. 26/3 and Add.1 (February 1956-March 1958).

Consideration of Other Measures for Increasing the Effectiveness of Arbitration in the Settlement of Private Law Disputes, Note by the Secretary-General, UN DOC E/CONF.26/6, 1 May 1957.

Provisional Agenda (New York, 20 May 1958), E/CONF.26/1 (20 September 1957).

Comments on Draft Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, Note by the Secretary-General, 6 March 1958, UN DOC E/CONF. 26/2.

The Amendments to the Draft Convention Submitted by Governmental Delegations, the Reports of the Working Parties and the Text of Articles Adopted by the Conference, UN DOC E/CONF.26/7 and UN DOC E/CONF.26/L.7-63(21 May-9 June 1958).

Amendments to Draft Convention submitted by the Polish Delegation, UN DOC E/CONF.26/7, 21 May 1958.

Belgium, Czechoslovakia, United Kingdom: additional provision to be included in the draft Convention, UN DOC E/CONF.26/L.10/Rev.1, 26 May 1958.

Pakistan: amendment to the Draft Convention, UN DOC E/CONF.26/L.16, 26 May 1958. 

Netherlands: Amendments to the Draft Convention, UN DOC E/CONF.26/L.17, 26 May 1958. 

Israel: proposed definition of words “arbitral award”, UN DOC E/CONF.26/L.18, 26 May 1958.

Report of Working Party No. 1 on article I, paragraph 1 and article II of the draft Convention (E/2704 and Corr.1), UN DOC E/CONF.26/L.42, 2 June 1958. 

Report of Working Party No. 1 on article I, paragraph 1 and article II of the draft Convention (E/2704 and Corr.1)-Corrigendum, UN DOC E/CONF.26/L.42/Corr.1, 2 June 1958. 

Working Party No. 3-Text of Articles III, IV and V of the draft Convention proposed by the Working Party for Adoption of the Conference UN DOC E/CONF.26/L.43, 3 June 1958. 

Text of Articles III, IV and V of the draft Convention as adopted by the Conference at its 17th meeting, UN DOC E/CONF.26/L.48, 4 June 1958.

Text of Article VI of the draft Convention as adopted by the Conference at its 18th meeting, UN DOC E/CONF.26/L.50, 4 June 1958. 

Text of Additional Protocol on the Validity of Arbitration Agreements Submitted by the Working Party No. 2, UN DOC E/CONF.26/L.52, 5 June 1958. 

Consideration of Other Measures for Increasing the Effectiveness of Arbitration in the Settlement of Private Law Disputes (Item 5 on the Agenda), Report of the Committee on Other Measures, UN DOC E/CONF.26/L.60, 6 June 1958. 

Text of the Convention as Provisionally Approved by the Drafting Committee, UN DOC E/CONF.26/L.61, 6 June 1958.

Text of Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards as Approved by the Drafting Committee on 9 June 1958, UN DOC E/CONF.26/8.

Final Act and Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, UN DOC E/CONF.26/8/Rev.1. 

The Summary Records of the United Nations Conference on International Commercial Arbitration, New York, 20 May- 10 June 1958, UN DOC E/CONF.26/SR.1-25.

Summary Record of the First Meeting (New York, 20 May 1958), UN DOC E/C0NF.26/SR.1, 12 September 1958. 

Summary Record of the Third Meeting (New York, 21 May, 1958), UN DOC E/CONF.26/SR.3, 12 September 1958. 

Summary Record of the Fourth Meeting (New York, 22 May, 1958), UN DOC E/CONF.26/SR.4, 12 September 1958. 

Summary Record of the Fifth Meeting (New York, 22 May, 1958), UN DOC E/CONF.26/SR.5, 12 September 1958. 

Summary Record of the Sixth Meeting (New York, 23 May 1958), UN DOC E/CONF.26/SR.6, 12 September 1958. 

Summary Record of the Eighth Meeting (New York, 26 May 1958), UN DOC E/CONF.26/SR.8, 12 September 1958. 

Summary Record of the Ninth Meeting (New York, 26 May 1958), UN DOC E/CONF.26/SR.9, 12 September 1958. 

Summary Record of the Tenth Meeting (New York, 27 May 1958), UN DOC E/CONF.26/SR.10, 12 September 1958.

Summary Record of the Eleventh Meeting (New York, 27 May 1958), UN DOC E/CONF.26/SR.11, 12 September 1958.

Summary Record of the Twelfth Meeting (New York, 28 May 1958), UN DOC E/CONF.26/SR.12, 12 September 1958. 

Summary Record of the Thirteenth Meeting (New York, 28 May 1958), UN DOC E/CONF.26/SR.13, 12 September 1958.

Summary Record of the Fourteenth Meeting (New York, 29 May 1958), UN DOC E/CONF.26/SR.14, 12 September 1958. 

Summary Record of the Fifteenth Meeting (New York, 2 June 1958), UN DOC E/CONF.26/SR.15, 12 September 1958.

Summary Record of the Sixteenth Meeting (New York, 3 June 1958), UN DOC E/CONF.26/SR.16, 12 September 1958. 

Summary Record of the Seventeenth Meeting (New York, 3 June 1958), UN DOC E/CONF.26/SR.17, 12 September 1958. 

Summary Record of the Eighteenth Meeting (New York, 4 June 1958), UN DOC E/CONF.26/SR.18, 12 September 1958. 

Summary Record of the Twenty-First Meeting (New York, 5 June 1958), UN DOC E/CONF. 26/SR.21, 12 September 1958. 

Summary Record of the Twenty-Second Meeting (New York, 9 June 1958), UN DOC E/CONF.26/SR.22, 12 September 1958. 

Summary Record of the Twenty-Third Meeting (New York, 9 June 1958), UN DOC E/CONF. 26/SR.23, 12 September 1958. 

Summary Record of the Twenty-Forth Meeting (New York, 10 June 1958), UN DOC E/CONF.26/SR.24, 12 September 1958. 

Summary Record of the Twenty-Fifth Meeting (New York, 10 June 1958), UN DOC E/CONF.26/SR.25, 12 September 1958.  

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2205 (XXI) of 17 December 1966- Establishment of the  United Nations Commission on International Trade Law.

Report of the Secretary General: Study on the Application and Interpretation of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958) (A/CN.9/168), 20 April 1979, Yearbook of the United Nations Commission  on International Trade, 1979, Vol. X, pp.101-108.

Note by the Secretariat: Further Work in respect of International Commercial Arbitration, A/CN.9/169 (11 May 1979), Yearbook of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law 1979, Vol. X, Part Two, III, D, p. 109.

Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the Work of its twelfth session (Vienna 18-29 June 1979) (A/34/17), Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 17, in Yearbook of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, 1979, Vol. X, pp.11-33.

Report of the Secretary-General: Possible features of a model law on international commercial arbitration, A/CN.9/207, 14 May 1981, Yearbook of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, 1981, Volume XII, pp.75-92.

Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the Work of its Third Session, First Working Group Report, UNCITRAL Fifteenth Session, New York (26 July-6 August 1982), A/CN.9/216, 23 March 1982, pp.1-22. 

Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the Work of Its Fourth Session, UNCITRAL Sixteenth Session, Vienna, 24 May-3 June 1983, A/CN.9/232, 10 November 1982, pp.1-35.

Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the Work of its Fifth Session, UNCITRAL Sixteenth Session, Vienna, 24 May-3 June 1983, A/CN.9/233, 28 March 1983, pp.1-37.

The Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the Work of its Sixth Session, UNCITRAL Seventeenth Session, Vienna (25 June-13 July 1984), A/CN.9/245, 22 September 1983, pp.1-49. 

Composite Draft Text of a Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration: Some Comments and Suggestions for Consideration, A/CN.9/WG.II/WP.50 (16 December 1983), in Yearbook of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law 1984, Vol. XV, pp.230-234. 

Report of the Working Group on the Work of its Seventh Session, UNCITRAL Seventeenth Session, New York, 25 June-13 July 1984, A/CN.9/246, 6 March 1984, pp.1-60. 

Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration: Territorial Scope of Application and Related Issues, A/CN.9/WG.II/WP.49, in Yearbook of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, 1984, Vol. XV, Part Two, pp.227-230.

Analytical Commentary on Draft Text of a Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration, Report of the Secretary-General, United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, Eighteenth Session, Vienna (3-21 June 1985), A/CN.9/264 (25 March 1985).

312th Meeting, A/CN.9/SR.312 (6 June 1985), in Yearbook of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, 1985, Vol. XVI, pp.426-430. 

A/CN.9./SR.322 (13 June 1985). 

328th Meeting, A/CN.9/SR.328 (18 June 1985), in Yearbook of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, 1985, Vol. XVI, pp.490-492 

A/CN.9/SR.330 (19 June 1985).

Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its eighteenth session (Vienna, 3-21 June 1985) (A/40/17), in Yearbook of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, 1985, Vol. XVI, Part One, A, pp.1-46. 

UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration, UN DOC A/40/17 Annex I, Adopted by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on 21 June 1985.

Explanatory Note by the UNCITRAL secretariat on the Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration, in UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration, United Nations, 1994, pp.15-25.

International Commercial Arbitration: Possible future work in the area of international commercial arbitration, A/CN.9/460, (6 April 1999).

Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its thirty-second session (17 May-4 June 1999), Supplement No. 17 (A/54/17).

Report of the Working Group on Arbitration on the work of its thirty-second session (Vienna, 20-31 March 2000), A/CN.9/468, (10 April 2000).

Settlement of commercial disputes-Preparation of uniform provisions on written form for arbitration agreements-Article II(2) of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958), A/CN.9/WG.II/WP.139, (14 December 2005). 

Draft interpretative instruments regarding article II, paragraph (2), and article VII, paragraph (1), of the New York Convention, in Report of the Working Group on Arbitration and Conciliation on the work of its forty-fourth session (New York, 23-27 January 2006), A/CN.9/592, (27 February 2006).

Recommendation regarding the interpretation of article II, paragraph 2, and article VII, paragraph 1, of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, done in New York, 10 June 1958, adopted by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on 7 July 2006 at its thirty-ninth session, issued in Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-first Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/61/17), annex II. 

Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its thirty-ninth session (19 June-7 July 2006), A/61/17.

Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on forty-first session (16 June-3 July 2008), A/63/17.

Resolution adopted by the General Assembly, A/61/453, 18 December 2006.

UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration 1985 with Amendments as Adopted in 2006, Vienna, 2008.

Settlement of commercial disputes-Recommendation regarding the interpretation of article II, paragraph (2), and article VII, paragraph (1), of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958) (“New York Convention”)-Compilation of comments by Governments, A/CN.9/661, (6 May 2008).

A Guide to UNCITRAL: Basic Facts about the United Nations Commission on International Trade, United Nations, Vienna, 2013.

The United Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts, adopted on 23 November 2005, entry into force on 1 March 2013.

Court Decisions


‘Australia No.1, Flakt Australia Ltd. V. Wilkens & Davies Construction Co. Ltd., Supreme Court of New South Wales, 5 September 1979’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.6 (Kluwer Law International 1981), pp.218-220.

‘Australia No.3, Elders CED Ltd. v. Dravo Corp., Supreme Court of New South Wales, Common Law Division, Not Indicated, 28 March 1984’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.11 (Kluwer Law International 1986), pp.480-483.

‘Australia No.11, Resort Condominiums International Inc. v. Ray Bolwell and Resort Condominiums, Pty. Ltd., Supreme Court of Queensland, 389, 29 October 1993’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.20 (Kluwer Law International 1995), pp.628-650.

‘Australia No.33, Transpac Capital Pte Limited (Singapore) v. Anthony Buntoro (Australia), Supreme Court, New South Wales, 11373 of 2008, 7 July 2008’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.33 (Kluwer Law International 2008), pp.349-353.

‘Australia No.40, William Hare UAE LLC (UAE) v. Aircraft Support Industries Pty Ltd (Australia), Supreme Court, New South Wales, 14 October 2014’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.40 (Kluwer Law International 2015), pp.363-366.

United Group Rail Services Limited v. Rail Corporation New South Wales (2009) NSWCA 177 (3 July 2009).


‘Austria No.2/E1, P.-A.G. v. V., Oberster Gerichtshof, 17 November 1971’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.1 (Kluwer Law International 1976) p.183.

‘Austria No.3, Not indicated v. Not indicated, Oberste Gerichtshof, 3, 11 June 1969’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.2 (Kluwer Law International 1977), pp.232.

‘Austria No.6, Not indicated v. Not indicated, Oberster Gerichtshof [Supreme Court], 21 February 1978’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.10 (Kluwer Law International 1985), pp.418-420.

‘Austria No.9, Seller v. Buyer, Oberster Gerichtshof [Supreme Court], Not indicated, 22 May 1991’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.21 (Kluwer Law International 1996), pp.521-523.

‘Austria No.13/E4, Buyer (Austria) v. Seller (Serbia and Montenegro), Oberster Gerichtshof[Supreme Court], 3Ob221/04b, 26 January 2005’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.30 (Kluwer Law International 2005), pp.421-436.

‘Austria No.16, D SA (Spain) v. W GmbH (Austria), Oberster Gerichtshof [Supreme Court], 3Ob211/05h, 26 April 2006’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.32 (Kluwer Law International 2007), pp.259-265.


‘Belgium No.7/E3, Societe Nationale pour la Recherche, le Transport et la Commercialisation des Hydrocarbures (Sonatrach) v. Ford, Bacon and Davis Inc., Tribunal de premiere instance [Court of First Instance] of Brussel, not indicated, 6 December 1988’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.15 (Kluwer Law International 1990), pp.370-377.

Belgium No.11, Inter-Arab Investment Guarantee Corporation v. Baque Arabe et Internationale d’Investissements, Cour de Cassation[Supreme Court], 5 June 1998 in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.24 (Kluwer Law International 1999), pp.603-614. 


‘Bermuda No.3, Sojuznefteexport ( SNE) v. Joc Oil Ltd., Court of Appeal of Bermuda, Not Indicated, 7 July 1989’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.15 (Kluwer Law International 1990) pp.384-435.


‘Brazil No.4, Oleaginosa Moreno Hermanos Sociedad Anonima Commercial Industrial Financeira Inmobiliaria y Agropecuaria v. Moinho Paulista Ltda, Superior Tribunal de Justiça, Special Court, 17 May 2006 and 3 March 2007, SEC No. 866-EX’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.33 (Kluwer Law International 2008), pp.371-380.

‘Brazil No.6, Bouvery International S.A. v. Valex Exportadora de Café Ltda, Superior Tribunal de Justiça [Superior Court of Justice], SEC No. 839-EX, 16 May 2007’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.33 (Kluwer Law International 2008), pp.387-389.

‘Brazil No.20, First Brands do Brasil Ltda. et. al. v. STP-Petroplus Produtos Automotivos S/A PPA et al., Superior Court of Justice of Brazil, SEC No. 611-EX (2005/0055688-0), 23 November 2006’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.37 (Kluwer Law International 2012), pp.180-182.


‘Bulgaria No.1, ECONERG Ltd. v. National Electricity Company AD, Supreme Court of Appeal, Civil Collegium, Fifth Civil Department, 356/99, 23 February 1999’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.25 (Kluwer Law International 2000), pp.678-682. 


‘Canada No.18, Adamas Management & Service Inc. (British Virgin Islands) v. Aurado Energy Inc. (Canada), New Brunswick Court of Queen’s Bench, Trial Division, Judicial District of Saint John, Docket No. S/M/57/04, 28 July 2004’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.30 (Kluwer Law International 2005), pp.479-487.

‘Canada No.21, Trans-Pacific Shipping Co. v. Atlantic & Orient Shipping Corporation (BVI), Federal Court of Canada, Not indicated, 27 April 2005’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.31 (Kluwer Law International 2006), pp.601-610.

‘Canada No.32, Assam Company India Limited v. Canoro Resources Ltd., Supreme Court of British Columbia, Docket S127853, 7 March 2014’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.39 (Kluwer Law International 2014), pp.375-379.

‘CLOUT Case 179, The City of Prince George v. A.L. Sims & Sons Ltd., British Columbia Court of Appeal, 4 July 1995’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.23 (Kluwer Law International 1998), pp.223-224. 

Cayman Islands

‘Cayman Islands No.1, The Republic of Gabon v. Swiss Oil Corporation, Grand Court, not indicated, 17 June 1988’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.14 (Kluwer Law International 1989), pp.621-626. 

‘Cayman Islands No.2, Imbar Maritima SA, Imro Maritima SA and others v. The Republic of Gabon, Grand Court, Georgetown, Not Indicated, 1 March 1989’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.15 (Kluwer Law International 1990), pp.436-442.


‘Chile No.1, Max Mauro Stubrin (Argentina), Walter Gerardo Stubrin (Argentina) and others v. Inversiones Morice S.A. (Chile), Corte Suprema [Supreme Court], First Chamber, Not indicated, 11 January 2007’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.33 (Kluwer Law International 2008), pp.473-477.


‘Colombia No.3, Merck & Co., Merck Frosst Canada Inc., Frosst Laboratories Inc. v. Tecnoquímicas SA, Corte Suprema de Justicia, 26 January 1999 and 1 March 1999’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.26 (Kluwer Law International 2001) pp.755-766.

‘Colombia No.6, Pollux Marine Services Corp. v. Colfletar Ltda, Supreme Court of Justice of Colombia, 12 May 2011’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.37 (Kluwer Law International 2012), pp.198-199.

‘Colombia No.7, Petrotesting Colombia S.A. et al. V. Ross Energy S.A., Supreme Court of Justice of Colombia, 11001-0203-000-2007-01956-00, 27 July 2011’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.37 (Kluwer Law International 2012), pp.200-204. 

‘Colombia No.8, Drummond Ltd. v. Instituto Nacional de Concesiones-INCO et al., Corte Suprema de Justicia, Civil Cassation Chamber, 19 December 2011 and 3 May 2012’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.37 (Kluwer Law International 2012), pp.205-209.

Czech Republic

‘Czech Republic No.2, F&G.A S.R. v. K, s.p., Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic, Case No. 21 Cdo 1511/2000, 29 March 2001’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.38 (Kluwer Law International 2013), pp.363-364.


‘France No.1, Compagnie de Saint Gobain-Pont a Mousson v. The Fertilizer Corporation of India LTD., President Tribunal De Grande Instance De Paris, not indicated, 15 May 1970’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.1 (Kluwer Law International 1976), pp.184-185.

‘France No.2, Animalfeeds International Corporation v. S.A.A. Becker et Cie, Tribunal De Grande Instance De Strasbourg, not Indicated, 9 October 1970’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.2 (Kluwer Law International 1977), p.244.

‘France No.7/E1, Pabalk Ticaret Ltd. Sirketi (Turkey) v. Norsolor SA (France), Cour de Cassation, 9 October 1984 and Cour d’Appel, Paris, 19 November 1982’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.11 (Kluwer Law International 1986), pp.484-491. 

‘France No.8/E2, Société Européenne d'Etudes et d'Entreprises (SEEE) by its liquidator Mme. Y. Cleja v. Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the World Bank) and others, Cour d'appel [Court of Appeal] (1st and 2nd Civil Chambers) of Rouen, Not Indicated, 13 November 1984’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.11 (Kluwer Law International 1986), pp.491-499.

‘France No.12, Bomar Oil N.V. v. Entreprise Tunisienne d'Activités Pétrolières - ETAP, Cour d'appel [Court of Appeal] of Paris, Not Indicated, 20 January 1987’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.13 (Kluwer Law International 1988), pp.466-470.

‘France No.18, Hilmarton Ltd. v. Omnium de Traitement et de Valorisation-OTV, Cour d'appel [Court of Appeal], Paris, 90-16778, 19 December 1991’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.19 (Kluwer Law International 1994), pp.655-657.

‘France No.23, Hilmarton Ltd. v. Omnium de traitement et de valorisation-OTV, Cour de Cassation [Supreme Court], Not Indicated, 23 March 1994’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.20 (Kluwer Law International 1995), pp.663-665.

‘France No.24, Omnium de Traitement et de Valorisation-OTV v. Hilmarton, Cour d'Appel [Court of Appeal], Versailles, 315; 316, 29 June 1995’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.21 (Kluwer Law International 1996), pp.524-531.

‘France No.25, Ministry of Public Works v. Societe Bec Freres, Cour d’Appel[Court of Appeal], Paris, Not indicated, 24 February 1994’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.22 (Kluwer Law International 1997), pp.682-690.

‘France No.26, The Arab Republic of Egypt v. Chromalloy Aeroservices, Inc., Cour d'Appel [Court of Appeal], Paris, Not Indicated, 14 January 1997’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.22 (Kluwer Law International 1997), pp.691-695.

‘France No.27, Omnium de Traitement et de Valorisation (OTV) v. Hilmarton, Cour de Cassation [Supreme Court], Not Indicated, 10 June 1997’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.22 (Kluwer Law International 1997), pp.696-698. 

‘France No.34, American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) (US) v. Copropriété Maritime Jules Verne (France), Cour d'Appel [Court of Appeal], Paris, 126, 4 December 2002’, in Albert Jan Van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.29 (Kluwer Law International 2004), pp.657-662.

‘France No.39, Copropriété Maritime Jules Verne (France), et al. v. ABS-American Bureau of Shipping (US), Cour de Cassation [Supreme Court], First Civil Chamber, Appeal No. T 03-12.034, 7 June 2006’, in Albert Jan Van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.32 (Kluwer Law International 2007), pp.290-293.

‘France No. 40, Groupama Transport (France) v. MS Regine Hans und Klaus Heinrich KG (Germany), Cour de Cassation [Supreme Court], First Civil Chamber, Appeal No. 05-21818, 21 November 2006’, in Albert Jan Van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.32 (Kluwer Law International 2007), pp.294-296.

‘France No.41, S.A. Lesbats et Fils (France) v. Dr. Volker Grub (Germany), Cour d'Appel [Court of Appeal], Paris, 05/10887, 18 January 2007’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.32 (Kluwer Law International 2007), pp.297-298. 

‘France No.42, PT Putrabali Adyamulia (Indonesia) v. Rena Holding, et al., Cour de Cassation [Supreme Court], First Civil Chamber, Not Indicated, 29 June 2007’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.32 (Kluwer Law International 2007), pp.299-302.

‘France No. 43, HGL sas (France) v. Spanghero SA (France), Horizon Meats New Zealand Ltd (New Zealand), v. Blue Sky Marketing Ltd (New Zealand), Cour de Cassation [Supreme Court], First Civil Chamber, 10 F-D, 9 January 2008’, in Albert Jan Van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.33 (Kluwer Law International 2008), pp.478-479.

‘France No.47, Cytec Industries BV (Netherlands) v. SNF sas (France), Cour de Cassation [Supreme Court], First Civil Chamber, Appeal No. 06-15320, 4 June 2008’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.33 (Kluwer Law International 2008), pp.489-494. 

‘France No. 59, Weissberg srl v. Subway International BV, Cour de Cassation, 24 February 2016’, in Albert Jan Van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol. 41 (Kluwer Law International 2016), pp. 463-464.

‘Hilmarton Ltd. v. Omnium de traitement et de valorisation-OTV, Tribunal de Grande Instance [Court of First Instance], Nanterre, Not Indicated, 22 September 1993’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.20 (Kluwer Law International 1995), pp.194-197.

Maximov v. Novolipetsky Steel Mill, Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris, May 16, 2012.


‘Germany No.3, French seller v. German(F.R.) buyer, Landgericht Bremen, Not indicated, 8 June 1967’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.2 (Kluwer Law International 1977), p.234.

‘Germany No.8/E2, Dutch seller v. German (F.R.) buyer, Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf, Not indicated, 8 Novmber 1971’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.2 (Kluwer Law International 1977), pp.237-238.

‘Germany No.11, Firm P v. Firm F, Oberlandesgericht Hamburg, Not indicated, 3 April 1975’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.2 (Kluwer Law International 1977), p.241.

‘Germany No.14, Danish buyer v. German (F.R.) seller, Oberlandesgericht Köln, 10 June 1976’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.4 (Kluwer Law International 1979), pp.258-260. 

‘Germany No.19, German (F.R.) seller v. German (F.R.) buyer, Landgericht Munich, 20 June 1978’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.5 (Kluwer Law International 1980), pp.260-262.

‘Germany No.28, Portuguese Company A v. Trustee in bankruptcy of German Company X, Landgericht [Court of First Instance] of Bremen, 20 January 1983’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.12 (Kluwer Law International, 1987), p.486.

‘Germany No.30, German(F.R.) charterer v. Romanian shipowner, Bundesgerichshof [Federal Supreme Court], Not indicated, 15 May 1986’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.12 (Kluwer Law International 1987), pp.489-491.

‘Germany No.32, Parties not indicated, Oberlandesgericht [Court of Appeal] of Hamm, not indicated, 2 November 1983’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.14 (Kluwer Law International 1989), pp.629-633. 

‘Germany No.33, SpA Ghezzi v. Jacob Boss Söhne, Bundesgerichtshof [Federal Supreme Court], Not indicated, 14 April 1988’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.15(Kluwer Law International 1990), pp.450-454.

‘Germany No.36, Seller of soybean flour v. Buyer of soybean flour, Oberlandesgericht [Court of Appeal] Hamburg, Not indicated, 26 January 1989’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.17 (Kluwer Law International 1992), pp.491-499.

‘Germany No.38, Seller v. Buyer, Bundesgerichtshof[Federal Supreme Court], III ZR 269/8838., 18 January 1990’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.17 (Kluwer Law International 1992), pp.503-509.

‘Germany No.42, Buyer v. Seller, Bundesgerichtshof [Federal Supreme Court], III ZR 30/9142, 3 December 1992’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.20 (Kluwer Law International 1995), pp.666-670.

‘Germany No.50, Shipowner v. Time charterer, Oberlandesgericht [Court of Appeal], Hamburg, 30 July 1998’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.25 (Kluwer Law International 2000), pp.641-1164.

‘Germany No.51, Not indicated v. Not indicated, Oberlandesgericht [Court of Appeal], Rostock, 28 October 1999’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.25 (Kluwer Law International 2000) pp.717-720.

‘Germany No.52, Investor v. Republic of Poland, Bundesgerichtshof [Supreme Court], 17 August 2000’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.26 (Kluwer Law International 2001), pp.771-773.

‘Germany No.53, Seller v. Buyer, Bayern Oberlandesgericht [Court of Appeal of Bavaria], 4Z Sch 50/99, 16 March 2000’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.27 (Kluwer Law International, 2002), pp.445-450.

‘Germany No.59, Seller v. Buyer (Germany), Oberlandesgericht [Court of Appeal], Brandenburg, 8 Sch 01/99, 2 September 1999’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.29 (Kluwer Law International 2004) pp.697-699.

‘Germany No.60, Dutch Shipowner v. German Cattle and Meat Dealer, Oberlandesgericht, Stuttgart, 18 October 1999 and Bundesgerichtshof, 1 February 2001’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.29 (Kluwer Law International 2004), pp.700-714.

‘Germany No.62, Not indicated v. Not indicated, Oberlandesgericht [Court of Appeal], Cologne, 9Sch 04/00, 13 November 2000’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.29 (Kluwer Law International 2004), pp.722-723.

‘Germany No.63, Not indicated v. Not indicated, Bundesgerichtshof [Federal Supreme Court], III ZB 71/99, 22 February 2001’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.29 (Kluwer Law International 2004), pp.724-728.

‘Germany No.67, Forwarding agent v. Dealer, Brandenburgisches Oberlandesgericht [Brandenburg Court of Appeal], 8 Sch 2/01, 13 June 2002’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.29 (Kluwer Law International 2004) pp.747-753.

‘Germany No.68, Film distributor v. Film producer, Bayerisches Oberstes Landesgericht [Higher Court of Appeal of Bavaria], 4 Z Sch 13/02, 22 November 2002’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.29 (Kluwer Law International 2004), pp.754-760.

‘Germany No.80, Trading company (Israel) v. Buyer (Germany), Oberlandesgericht [Court of Appeal], Cologne, 9 Sch 01-03, 23 April 2004’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.30 (Kluwer Law International 2005), pp.557-562.

‘Germany No.82/E16, K Trading Company (Syria) v. Bayerischen Motoren Werke AG (Germany), Bayerisches Oberstes Landesgericht [Higher Court of Appeal of Baveria], 4Z Sch 005-04, 23 September 2004’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.30 (Kluwer Law International 2005), pp.568-573.

‘Germany No.85/E17, Not indicated v. Not indicated, Oberlandesgericht [Court of Appeal], Schleswig, 85, 30 March 2000’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.31 (Kluwer Law International 2006), pp.652-662.

‘Germany No.86, Not indicated v. Not indicated, [Court of Appeal], Düsseldorf, 86, 19 January 2005’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.31 (Kluwer Law International 2006), pp.663-670.

‘Germany No.98, Licensee v. Licensor, Oberlandesgericht [Court of Appeal], Düsseldorf, IV Sch (Kart) 01/02, 21 July 2004’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.32 (Kluwer Law International 2007), pp.315-321.

‘Germany No.101, Not indicated v. Not indicated ,Oberlandesgericht[Court of Appeal], Karlsruhe, 9 Sch 02/05, 26 March 2006’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.32 (Kluwer Law International 2007), pp.342-346. 

‘Germany No.109, Not indicated v. Not indicated, Bundesgerichtshof [Federal Supreme Court], III ZB 35/06, 18 January 2007’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.33, (Kluwer Law International 2008), pp.506-509.

‘Germany No.114, Creditor under the award (Taiwan) v. Debtor under the award (Germany), Oberlandesgericht[Court of Appeal], Kalsruhe, 9 Sch 02/07, 14 September 2007’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.33 (Kluwer Law International 2008), pp.541-548.

‘Germany No.117/E19, Manufacturer(Ukraine) v. Supplier, in liquidation(Germany), Oberlandesgericht [Court of Appeal], Munich, 34 Sch 06/05, 15 March 2006’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.34 (Kluwer Law International 2009), pp.499-503.

‘Germany No.119, Buyer(Ukraine) v. Supplier(Germany), Kammergericht[Court of Appeal], Berlin, 20 Sch 02/08, 17 April 2008’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.34 (Kluwer Law International 2009), pp.510-515. 

‘Germany No.126/E21, Clothing manufacturer (Ukraine) v. Textiles manufacturer (Germany), Oberlandesgericht [Court of Appeal], Munich, 34 Sch 04/08, 19 January 2009’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.35 (Kluwer Law International 2010), pp.362-364.

‘Germany No.134, Seller (Sweden) v. Buyer (Germany), Oberlandesgericht [Court of Appeal], Munich, 34 Sch 20/08, 12 October 2009’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.35 (Kluwer Law International 2010), pp.383-385.

‘Germany No.150, Ukrainian dealer v. German manufacturer, Oberlandesgericht, Munich, 30 July 2012 and Bundesgerichtshof, 23 April 2013’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.39 (Kluwer Law International 2014) pp.394-398. 


‘Ghana No.1, Strojexport v. Edward Nasser and Company (Motors), Limited, Hight Court of Ghana, Not indicated, 29 September 1965’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.3 (Kluwer Law International 1978), p.276.


‘Greece No.2, Not indicated v. Not indicated, Court of Appeal of Athens, 2768, 1972’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.1 (Kluwer Law International 1976), p.186.

‘Greece No.3, Not Indicated v. Not Indicated, Supreme Court (Areios Pagos), 926, 1973’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.1, (Kluwer Law International 1976), p.186.

‘Greece No.4, Not indicated v. Not indicated, Court of Appeal of Patras, 469, 1974’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.1 (Kluwer Law International 1976), p.187.

‘Greece No.5, Agrimpex S.A. v. J.F.Braun & Sons, Inc., Areios Pagos (Supreme Court), 88/1977, 14 January 1977’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.4 (Kluwer Law International 1979), p.269.

‘Greece No.6, Charterer v. shipowner, Court of First Instance of Athens, 3359, 1983’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.11 (Kluwer Law International 1986), pp.500-501.

‘Greece No.10, Greek Company v. FR German Company, Court of Appeal of Athens, 4458, 1984’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.14 (Kluwer Law International 1989), pp.638-639.

‘Greece No.17, Company X(Albania) v. Republic of Z, Monomeles Protodikio [Court of First Instance, Single Judge], Athens, Decision no. 1741 of 2007, 2007’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.33 (Kluwer Law International 2008), pp.563-564.

Hong Kong

‘Apex Tech Investment Limited v. Chuang’s Development (China) Limited, Court of Appeal, 15 March 1996’, available at http://2007.cnarb.com/algy/zgfyzcal/hk/b1997/201102/16637.html (accessed on 29 October 2015).

‘Hong Kong No.2, Shenzhen Nan Da Industrial v. Trade United Company Limited, Supreme Court of Hong Kong, High Court, MP 12492, 2 March 1991’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.18 (Kluwer Law International 1993), pp.377-384.

‘Hong Kong No.3, Guangdong New Technology Import & Export Corporation Jiangmen Branch v. Chiu Shing trading as B.C. Property & Trading Company, Supreme Court of Hong Kong, High Court, MP 16253., 23 August 1991’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.18 (Kluwer Law International 1993), pp.385-388.

‘Hong Kong No.5, J.J. Agro Industries(P) Ltd. v. Texuna International Ltd., Supreme Court of Hong Kong, High Court, MP 7515., 12 August 1992’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.18 (Kluwer Law International 1993), pp.396-402.

‘Hong Kong No.6, Paklito Investment Limited v. Klockner East Asia Limited, Supreme Court of Hong Kong, High Court, MP 2219, 15 January 1993’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.19 (Kluwer Law International 1994), pp.664-674.

‘Hong Kong No.7, Quinhuangdao Tongda Enterprise Development Company, et al. v. Million Basic Company Limited, Supreme Court of Hong Kong, High Court, MP 1150, 5 January 1993’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.19 (Kluwer Law International 1994), pp.675-679. 

‘Hong Kong No.8, China Nanhai Oil Joint Service Corporation Shenzhen Branch v. Gee Tai Holdings Co. Ltd., Supreme Court of Hong Kong, High Court, MP 24118, 13 July 1994’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.20 (Kluwer Law International 1995), pp.671-680.

‘Hong Kong No.9, Nanjing Cereals, Oils Foodstuffs Import & Export Corporation v. Luckmate Commodities Trading Ltd., Supreme Court of Hong Kong, High Court, MP 1167, 16 December 1994’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.21 (Kluwer Law International 1996), pp.542-545.

‘Hong Kong No.15, Hebei Import & Export Corporation v. Polytek Engineering Company Limited, Court of Final Appeal of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, 10 of 1998, 9 February 1999’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.24 (Kluwer Law International 1999), pp.652-677. 

‘Hong Kong No.16, Medison Co., Ltd v. Victor (Far East) Limited, High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Court of First Instance, 8 April 2000’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.26 (Kluwer Law International 2001), pp.774-779.


‘India No.3, Food Corporation of India v. Mardestine Compania Naviera, High Court of Kerala, 1 January 1977’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.4 (Kluwer Law International 1979), pp.270-271.

‘India No.10, Renusagar Power Co. Ltd. v. General Electric Company, International Chamber of Commerce, Supreme Court, 16 August 1984’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.10 (Kluwer Law International 1985), pp.431-449.

‘India No.11, COSID Inc. Steel Authority of India Ltd., High Court of Delhi, Not indicated, 12 July 1985’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.11 (Kluwer Law International 1986), pp.502-507.

‘India No.16, Orient Middle East Lines Ltd., M/s Brace Transport Corporation of Monrovia and another, High Court of Gujarat, Not Indicated, 19 April 1985’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.14, (Kluwer Law International 1989), pp.648-663.

‘India No.19, Renusagar Power Company v. General Electric Company, High Court, Bombay, Not Indicated, 12 October 1989’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.16 (Kluwer Law International 1991), pp.553-573.

‘India No.21, National Thermal Power Corporation v. the Singer Company, and Others, Supreme Court 1978, 7 May 1992’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.18 (Kluwer Law International 1993), pp.403-414. 

‘India No.22, Renusagar Power Co. Ltd v. General Electric Co., Supreme Court of India, Not indicated, 7 October 1993’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.20 (Kluwer Law International 1995), pp.681-738.

‘India No.26, Gas Authority of India, Ltd. v. SPIE-CAPAG, S.A. and others, Delhi High Court, Suit No. 1440; I.A. No. 5206, 15 October 1993’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.23 (Kluwer Law International 1998), pp.688-712.

‘India No.40, International Investor KCSC v. Sanghi Polyesters Ltd., High Court, Andhra Pradesh, Civil Revision Petition No. 331 of 2002; Civil Revision Petition No. 1441 of 2002, 9 September 2002’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.30 (Kluwer Law International 2005), pp.557-590.

‘India No.44, Swiss Singapore Overseas Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. v. M/V AFRICAN TRADER, High Court, Gujarat, Not Indicated, 7 February 2005’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.35 (Kluwer Law International 2010) pp.398-400.

‘India No.48, Bharat Aluminium Co. et al. v. Kaiser Aluminium Technical Service, Inc. et al., Supreme Court of India, 6 September 2012’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.37, (Kluwer Law International 2012), pp.244-249.

‘Videocon Industries Limited v. JMC Projects (India) Limited, Bombay High Court, 9 January 2013’, available at https://indiankanoon.org/doc/32464070/ (accessed on 6 November 2016).


‘Israel No.3, Zeevi Holdings Ltd. (in receivership) (Israel) v. The Republic of Bulgaria, District Court, Jerusalem, HP (Jer) 6203/07, 13 January 2009’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.34 (Kluwer Law International 2009), pp.632-636.

‘Israel No.4, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd (Israel) v. Proneuron Biotechnologies, Inc. and others, Oberster Gerichtshof [Supreme Court], FH 8511/09, 24 January 2010’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.35 (Kluwer Law International 2010) pp.407-408.


 ‘Italy No.5/E1, Ditta Augusto Miserocchi v. S.p.a. Paolo Agnesi, Corte Di Cassazione (Sezioni Unite), 3620, 13 December 1971’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA 1976, Vol.1 (Kluwer Law International 1976) p.190.

‘Italy No.6, Pezzota Camillo v. S.a.s. C.I.P.R.A. di Schmutz & C., Tribunale Di Milano, 11 December 1972’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol. 1 (Kluwer Law International 1976), p.190.

‘Italy No.10, Cantiere Navale Leopold Rodriguez v. Supramar A.G., Corte di Cassazione, Sezioni Unite [Supreme Court, Plenary Session], 2969, 10 November 1973’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.1 (Kluwer Law International 1076), p.192.

‘Italy No.11, Ditte Frey, Milota and others v. Ditte F. Cuccaro e figli, Corte D’Appello Di Napoli, 13 December 1974’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.1, (Kluwer Law International 1976), p.193.

‘Italy No.12, S.a.S. C.I.P.R.A. di Schmutz & C. v. Pezzota Camillo, Corte D'Appello Di Milano, Not Indicated, 13 December 1974’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.2 (Kluwer Law International 1977) p.246.

‘Italy No.18/E3, S.A. Tradax Export v. S.p.a. Carapelli, Corte di Appello di Firenze, 22 October 1976’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.3 (Kluwer Law International 1978), pp.279-280. 

‘Italy No.22, Societa La Naviera Grancebaco S.A. v. Ditta Italgrani, Tribunale Di Napoli, 30 June 1976’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.4, (Kluwer Law International 1979), pp.277-279. 

‘Italy No.29, Bobbie Brooks Inc. v. Lanificio Walter Banci s.a.s., Corte Di Appello Di Firenze, 8 October 1977’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.4 (Kluwer Law International 1979), pp.289-291. 

‘Italy No.34, S.a.S. Wieland K.G. v. Societa Industriale Meridionale (S.I.M.), Court of Appeal of Messina, 19 May 1976’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.5, (Kluwer Law International 1980), p.266.

‘Italy No.38, Soc. An. di Assicuriazioni e Riassicurazioni 'Lloyd Continental' v. S.p.A. Navigazione Alga, Corte di Cassazione, Sezioni Unite [Supreme Court, Plenary Session], 4746, 11 September 1979’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.6 (Kluwer Law International 1981), pp.230-231. 

‘Italy No.46, Getreide Import Gesellschaft mbH (FR Germany) v. Fratelli Casillo (Italy), Corte di Cassazione, 7 October 1980, No. 5378 and Corte di Appello, Bari, 28 November 1977’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.7 (Kluwer Law International 1982) pp.342-344.

‘Italy No.47, Vicere Livio v. Prodexport, Corte Di Cassazione (Sez. I), 3456, 26 May 1981’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.7 (Kluwer Law International 1982), pp.345-346.

‘Italy No.51/E5, Efxinos Shipping Co. Ltd. v. Rawi Shipping Lines Ltd., Corte Di Appello of Genova, 2 May 1980’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.8 (Kluwer Law International 1983), pp.381-382.

‘Italy No.52, Societe Italo-Belge pour le Commerce et I’Industrie v. S.p.a. I.G.O.R., Corte Di Appello of Brescia, 27 December 1980’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.8 (Kluwer Law International 1983), pp.383-385.

‘Italy No.54/E6, H. & H. Hackenberg G.m.b.H. v. Nino Pizza, Corte Di Appello of Ancona, 8 June 1981’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.8 (Kluwer Law International 1983) p.389.

‘Italy No.58, La Ligna v. Antonio Battiti, Battiti Antonio & C. And others, Corte di Cassazione, Sezioni Unite [Supreme Court, Plenary Session], 836, 11 February 1982’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.9 (Kluwer Law International 1984), pp.421-422.

‘Italy No.59, Fratelli Variola S.p.A. v. Danaos Shipping Company (Panama), Corte di Cassazione, Sezioni Unite [Supreme Court, Plenary Session], 563, 28 January 1982’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.9 (Kluwer Law International 1984), pp.423-425.

‘Italy No.60, Fratelli Variola S.p.A. v. Kampffmeijer S.a. r.l, Corte di Cassazione, Sezioni Unite [Supreme Court, Plenary Session], 1727, 17 March 1982’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.9 (Kluwer Law International 1984), p.426.

‘Italy No.61, S.I.A.G.A. (Società Italiana Articoli Grafici Affini) S.p.A. v. Solna Offset AB Printing Equipment, Fallimento Stabilimento Poligrafico C. Colombi S.p.A., Corte di Cassazione, Sezioni Unite [Supreme Court, Plenary Session], 124, 12 January 1982’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.9 (Kluwer Law International 1984), pp.427-428.

‘Italy No.63, Air India v. Carlo Avanzo, Corte di Cassazione, Sezioni Unite [Supreme Court, Plenary Session], 5244, 12 October 1982’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.9 (Kluwer Law International 1984), p.431.

‘Italy No.73, Rocco Giuseppe e Figli s.n.c. v. Agenzia Marittima Constantino Tomasos Ltd., agent for Armadora San Francisco S.A. (Panama) and for its vessel Lagos Erie, Corte di Cassazione [Supreme Court], Sez. I, 7033, 20 December 1982’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.10 (Kluwer Law International 1985), pp.466-467.

‘Italy No.79, Conceria Fratelli Tollio s.n.c. v. Ditta O.S. Blenkinsop, Corte di Cassazione [Supreme Court], 6925, 21 November 1983’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.10 (Kluwer Law International 1985) pp.478-479.

‘Italy No.88, Coltellerie Italiane Zoppis v. Arthur Salm Inc., Corte di Cassazione [Supreme Court], 4537, 30 July 1984’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.11 (Kluwer Law International 1986) pp.519-520.

‘Italy No.90, Cerealsarda di A. Casillo & Co. s.a.s. v. Ditta Otello Mantovani, Corte di Appello [Court of Appeal] of Venice, Not Indicated, 26 January 1983’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.12 (Kluwer Law International 1987) p.493.

‘Italy No.95, Compañía Española de la Penicilina y Antibioticos SA v. Crinos Industria Farmacologica SpA, Corte di Cassazione [Supreme Court], 6339, 29 October 1986’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.13 (Kluwer Law International 1988) pp.509-511.

‘Italy No.101, Rocco Giuseppe e Figli snc v. Fossano Shipping Company Ltd., Tribunale [Court of First Instance] of Naples, Not Indicated, 22 February 1985’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.14 (Kluwer Law International 1989) pp.683-684.

‘Italy No.109, Jassica SA v. Ditta Gioacchino Polojaz, Corte di Cassazione, 12 February 1987, No. 1526 and Corte di Cassazione, 26 May 1987, No. 4706’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.17 (Kluwer Law International 1992), pp.525-528.

 ‘Italy No.112, Paolo Donati v. Lupalu (HK) Ltd, Tribunale [Court of First Instance], Milan, Not Indicated, 8 January 1990’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.17 (Kluwer Law International 1992) pp.539-541.

‘Italy No.113, Della Sanara Kustvaart - Bevrachting & Overslagbedrijf BV v. Fallimento Cap. Giovanni Coppola srl, in liquidation, Corte di Appello [Court of Appeal], Genoa, Not Indicated, 3 February 1990’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.17 (Kluwer Law International 1992) pp.542-544.

‘Italy No.114/E15, Vento & C snc v. E.D. & F. Man (Coffee) Limited, Corte di Cassazione [Supreme Court], Not Indicated, 8 August 1990’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.17 (Kluwer Law International, 1992), pp.545-550.

‘Italy No.127, S.r.l. Ditta Michele Tavella v. Palmco Oil Mill L.D.N. B.M.D., Office of the Public Prosecutor, Corte di Cassazione[Supreme Court], 12187, 12 November 1992’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.19 (Kluwer Law International 1994), pp.692-693.

‘Italy No.130, Subcontractor v. Contractor, Corte di Appello [Court of Appeal (of Bologna)], Not indicated, 4 February 1993’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.19 (Kluwer Law International 1994), pp.700-702.

‘Italy No.132, Finagrain Compagnie Commerciale Agricole et Financiere SA v. Patano snc, Corte di Appello [Court of Appeal], Bari, Not Indicated, 30 November 1989’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.21 (Kluwer Law International 1996), pp.571-575.

‘Italy No.135, Lezina Shipping Co. SA v. Casillo Grani snc, Corte di Appello [Court of Appeal], Bari, Not indicated, 19 March 1991’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.21 (Kluwer Law International 1996), pp.585-586.

‘Italy No.143, Allsop Automatic Inc. v. Tecnoski snc, Corte di Appello[Court of Appeal], Milan, Not indicated, 4 December 1992’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.22 (Kluwer Law International 1997), pp.725-726.

‘Italy No.144, WTB-Walter Thosti Boswau Bauaktiengesellschaft v. Costruire Coop. srl, Corte di Cassazione [Supreme Court], 6426, 7 June 1995’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.22 (Kluwer Law International 1997), pp.727-733.

‘Italy No.150, srl Campomarzio Impianti v. Lampart Vegypary Gepgyar, Corte di Cassazione [Supreme Court], 9980, 20 September 1995’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.24 (Kluwer Law International 1999), pp.698-702.

‘Italy No.156, Ortona Navi SpA v. Leonard J. Jacobs and Arleen L. Jacobs, Corte di Cassazione [Supreme Court], 9641, 10 September 1999’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.26 (Kluwer Law International 2001), pp.812-815.

‘Italy No.178, Globtrade Italiana srl (Italy) v. East Point Trading Ltd (Cyprus), Corte di Cassazione [Supreme Court], First Civil Chamber, 24856, 8 October 2008’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.34 (Kluwer Law International 2009), pp.644-648.

‘Italy No.182, Microware s.r.l. in liquidation (Italy) v. Indicia Diagnostic S.A., Corte di Cassazione [Supreme Court], First Civil Chamber, 17291, 23 July 2009’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.35 (Kluwer Law International 2010), pp.418-419.


‘Japan No.1, Niroshi Nish v. Compagna di navigatione et commercio, Court of Appeal Tokyo (2nd Sect. Civ.), 14 March 1963’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.1 (Kluwer Law International 1976), p.194.


‘Korea No.1, Hanyang Konyoung Co. Ltd. v. Mantovani O & C S.P.A., High Court of Seoul, Not Indicated, 9 March 1988’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.17 (Kluwer Law International 1992) pp.564-567.

‘Korea No.3, Adviso N.V. v. Korea Overseas Construction Corp., Supreme Court, 93Da53054, 14 February 1995’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.21 (Kluwer Law International 1996), pp.612-616.

‘Korea No.4, Petitioner v. Respondent, Supreme Court of Korea, 2004DA20180, 10 December 2004’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.37 (Kluwer Law International 2012), pp.257-258. 


‘Liechtenstein No.1, Parties not indicated, Oberster Gerichtshof, 08 EX.2012.6905, 7 June 2013’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.39 (Kluwer Law International 2014), pp.434-436.


‘Lithuania No.3, L.B. v. State Property Fund of the Republic of Lithuania, Supreme Court of Lithuania, Civil Case No. 3K-3-363/2014, 27 June 2014’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.39 (Kluwer Law International 2014), pp.437-442.


‘Luxembourg No.1, Kersa Holding Company Luxembourg v. Infancourtage, Famajuk Investment and Isny, Cour Superieure de Justice [Court of Appeal], Not Indicated, 24 November 1993’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.21 (Kluwer Law International 1996) pp.617-626. 

‘Luxembourg No.2, Sovereign Participations International S.A. v. Chadmore Developments Ltd., Cour d’Appel [Court of Appeal], 28 January 1999’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.24 (Kluwer Law International 1999), pp.714-723.


‘Malaysia No.2, Sri Lanka Cricket v. World Sport Nimbus Pte Ltd, Court of Appeal, Putrajaya, W-04-964-2004, 14 March 2006’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.33 (Kluwer Law International 2008) pp.607-612.

‘Malaysia No.4, Lombard Commodities Limited v. Alami Vegetable Oil Products SDN BHD (Malaysia), Federal Court of Malaysia, Civil Appeal No. 02(f)-37-2008(W), 3 November 2009’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.35 (Kluwer Law International 2010) pp.420-422.

‘Malaysia No.5, Open Type Joint Stock Company Efirnoye-EFKO v. Alfa Trading Ltd, High Court of Kuala Lumpur, D-24NCC-221-2010, 10 October 2011’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.37 (Kluwer Law International 2012), pp.264-267.


‘Mexico No.1, Presse Office S.A. v. Centro Editorial Hoy S.A., Tribunal Superior De Justicia, Eighteenth Civil Court of First Instance fort the Federal District of Mexico, 24 February 1977’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.4 (Kluwer Law International 1979), pp.301-302.

‘Mexico No.2, Malden Mills Inc. v. Hilaturas Lourdes S.A., Tribunal Superior De Justicia, Court of Appeals (Fifth Chamber) For the Federal District of Mexico, 1 August 1977’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.4 (Kluwer Law International 1979), pp.302-304.


‘Morocco No.1, Office National du The et du Sucre v. Philippines Sugar Company Ltd., Court of Appeal, Casablanca, Not indicated, 21 June 1983’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.21 (Kluwer Law International 1996), pp.627-631.

The Netherlands

‘Netherlands No.2D, Société Européenne d'Etudes et d'Enterprises (S.E.E.E.) v. Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Supreme Court (Hoge Raad), 7 November 1975’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.1 (Kluwer Law International 1976) pp.195-198.

‘Netherlands No.3, German (F.R.)  party v. Dutch party, President of Rechtbank, The Hague, 26 April 1973’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.4 (Kluwer Law International 1979), pp.305-306.

‘Netherlands No.4, a Rumanian State enterprise v. Dutch, President of Rechtbank, Amsterdam, 14 December 1977’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.4 (Kluwer Law International 1979), pp.307-308.

‘Netherlands No.10, SPP (Middle East) Ltd. v. The Arab Republic of Egypt, President of the District Court of Amsterdam, 12 July 1984’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.10 (Kluwer Law International 1985), pp.487-489.

‘Netherlands No.15, Owerri Commercial Inc. v. Dielle Srl., Gerechtshof [Court of Appeal] The Hague, Not indicated, 4 August 1993’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.19 (Kluwer Law International 1994), pp.703-707.

‘Netherlands No.16, G.W.L. Kersten & Co. B.V. v. Societe Commeciale Raoul-Duval et Cie, Gerechtshof [Court of Appeal] Amsterdam, 16 July 1992’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.19 (Kluwer Law International, 1994), pp.708-709.

‘Netherlands No.25, China Packaging Design Corporation v. SCA Recycling Reukema Trading B.V.,” Arrondissementsrechtbank [Court of First Instance], Zutphen, 11 November 1998’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.24 (Kluwer Law International 1999), pp.724-726.

‘Netherlands No.31, Yukos Capital s.a.r.l. (Luxembourg) v. OAO Rosneft (Russian Federation), Gerechtshof [Court of Appeal], Amsterdam, 200,005,269, 28 April 2009’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.34 (Kluwer Law International 2009) pp.703-714.

‘Netherlands No.32, LoJack Equipment Ireland Ltd. (Ireland) v. A, Voorzieningenrechter [President], Rechtbank [Court of First Instance], Amsterdam, 411230/KG RK 08-3652, 18 June 2009’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.34 (Kluwer Law International 2009), pp.715-721.

‘Netherlands No.41, Nikolai Viktorovich Maximov v. OJSC Novolipetsky Metallurgichesky Kombinat, Provisions Judge of the District Court of Amsterdam, 491569/KG RK 11-1722, 17 November 2011’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.37 (Kluwer Law International 2012) pp.274-276. 

‘Netherlands No.43, Nova Shipping Ltd v. Med Marine Kilavuzluk ve Romarkaj Hizmetleri Insaat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S., Provisions Judge of the District Court of Amsterdam, 505950/KG RK 11-3695, 26 July 2012’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.37 (Kluwer Law International 2012), pp.282-284.


‘Nigeria No.1, Murmansk State Steamship Line v. Kano Oil Millers Ltd., Supreme Court, 11 December 1974’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.7 (Kluwer Law International 1982), pp.349-350.


‘Norway No.1, Charterer v. Shipowner, Halogaland Court of Appeal, 16 August 1999 in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed)’, YCA, Vol.27 (Kluwer Law International 2002), pp.519-523.

‘Norway No.2, Pulsarr Industrial Research B.V. (Netherlands) v. Nils H. Nilsen A.S. (Norway), Enforcement Court, Vardo, 10 July 2002’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.28 (Kluwer Law International 2003), pp.821-828.


‘Pakistan No.1, Travel Automation Ltd. v. Abacus International Pvt. Ltd. and others, High Court, Karachi, Suit No. 1318 of 2004, 14 February 2006’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.32 (Kluwer Law International 2007), pp.438-448.


‘Peru No.3, Stemcor UK Limited v. Guiceve S.A.C., Corte Superior de Justicia, Lima, Case No. 878-2010, 28 April 2011’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.39 (Kluwer Law Arbitration 2014), pp.467-469.


‘Philippines No.6, Ting Guan Trading Corp. v. Hon. Cesar D. Santamaria, as Presiding Judge and others, Court of Appeals, Manila, Thirteenth Division, CA-G.R. SP No. 92828, 5 July 2006’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.33; (Kluwer Law International 2008) pp.646-649.


‘Poland No.1, E.T. Sp. z.o.o. v. T.M.D. GmbH et al., Sad Najwyszy, 6 November 2009’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.36 (Kluwer Law International 2011), pp.310-312.


‘Portugal No.2, S.A. (Belgium) v. B Sociedade Nacional, S.A., Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, Civil Section, 19 March 2009’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.36 (Kluwer Law International 2011), pp.313-314.

‘Portugal No.7, AA, P.O. v. DD Lda, Tribunal da Relação, Porto, 9 September 2013 and Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, 25 February 2014’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.39, (Kluwer Law International 2014), pp.474-476.


‘Romania No.2, Romanian Company v. Panamanian Company, Supreme Court, 1560, 3 June 1984’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.14, (Kluwer Law International 1989), pp.691-692.


‘Russian Federation No.5, Kotraco, Inc. v. V/O Rosvneshtorg, Moscow District Court (Civil Department), not indicated, 31 October 1995’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.23 (Kluwer Law International 1998), pp.735-737.

‘Russian Federation No.16, Dana Feed A/S (Denmark) v. OOO Arctic Salmon (Russian Federation), Federal Arbitrazh Court, Northwestern District, A42-4747/04-13, 9 December 2004’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.33 (Kluwer Law International 2008), pp.658-665.

‘Russian Federation No.33, Ciments Français v. Holding Company Sibirskiy Cement OJSC, Arbitrazh Court, Kemerovskaya Region, 20 July 2011’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.36 (Kluwer Law International 2011), pp.325-328.


International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. and another (2013) SGCA 55.

South Africa

‘South Africa No.6, Pierre Fattouche v. Mzilikazi Khumalo, High Court, South Gauteng, Johannesburg, Case No. 508/2012, 6 May 2014’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.39 (Kluwer Law International 2014), pp.498-500.


‘Spain No.2/E1, X S.A. v. Y, Tribunal Superior [Supreme Court], 8 October 1981’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.8 (Kluwer Law International 1983) pp.406, 407.

‘Spain No.6/E3, X S.A. v. Y, Tribunal Supremo [Supreme Court], Not indicated, 14 January 1983’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.11 (Kluwer Law International 1986), pp.523-524.

‘Spain No.10, M. Compañia Naviera S.A. v. C. de C.E. S.A., Tribunal Supremo [Supreme Court], Not Indicated, 6 October 1983’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.11 (Kluwer Law International 1986) p.530.

‘Spain No.11/E5, Fletamentos Maritimos S.A. v. Star Dispatch Shipping, Tribunal Supremo [Supreme Court], Not Indicated, 22 December 1983’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.11 (Kluwer Law International 1986) p.531.

‘Spain No.26/E10, Ferrer Maritima Espanola SA v. T. Baglantzis and Others, Tribunal Supremo [Supreme Court], not indicated, 21 January 1989’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.21 (Kluwer Law International), pp.673-675.

‘Spain No.27, Sea Traders SA v. Participaciones, Proyectos y Estudios SA, Tribunal Supremo [Supreme Court], Not Indicated, 6 April 1989’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.21 (Kluwer Law International 1996), pp.676-677.

‘Spain No.32/E15, Consmaremma-Consorzio tra produttori agricoli Societa Cooperativa a responsabilita limitata v. Hermanos Escot Madrid, SA,Tribunal Supremo [Supreme Court], 20 February 2001’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.26 (Kluwer Law International 2001), pp.858-862.

‘Spain No.37, Union de Cooperativas Agricolas Epis-Centre v. Aguicersa, SL, Tribunal Supremo [Supreme Court], 1678/199, 7 July 1998’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.27 (Kluwer Law International 2002), pp.546-550.

‘Spain No.38, Glencore Grain Limited (UK) v. Sociedad Iberica de Molturacion, S.A. (Spain), Tribunal Supremo [Supreme Court], 16508/2003, 14 January 2003’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.30 (Kluwer Law International 2005), pp.605-609.

‘Spain No.45, Centrotex, S.A. (Czech Republic) v. Agencia Gestora de Negocios, S.A. (Agensa)(Spain), Tribunal Supremo [Supreme Court], Civil Chamber, First Section, Not Indicated, 13 November 2001’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed) YCA, Vol.31, (Kluwer Law International 2006), pp.834-845.

‘Spain No.46, Antilles Cement Corporation (Puerto Rico) v. Transficem(Spain), Tribunal Supreme[Supreme Court], Civil Chamber, First Section, Not indicated, 20 July 2004’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.31 (Kluwer Law International 2006), pp.846-852.

‘Spain No.50, Union Generale de Cinema, SA (France) v. X Y Z Desarrollos, SA (Spain), Tribunal Supremo [Supreme Court], Civil Chamber, 3536 of 1998, 11 April 2000’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.32 (Kluwer Law International 2007), pp.525-531.

‘Spain No.56, Saroc, S.p.A. (Italy) v. Sahece, S.A. (Spain), Tribunal Supremo [Supreme Court], Civil Chamber, Plenary Session, 2065 of 2001, 4 March 2003’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.32 (Kluwer Law International 2007), pp.571-581.

‘Spain No.57, Satico Shipping Company Limited (Cyprus) v. Maderas Iglesias (Spain), Tribunal Supremo [Supreme Court], Civil Chamber, Plenary Session, 2009 of 2001, 1 April 2003’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.32 (Kluwer Law International 2007), pp.582-590.

‘Spain No.61, Pueblo Film Distribution Hungary KFT(Hungary) v. Laurenfilm SA(Spain), Tribunal Supremo[Supreme Court], Civil Chamber, 743 of 2003, 31 May 2005’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.32 (Kluwer Law International 2007), pp.608-615.

‘Spain No.66/E24, Cardena de Tiendas Venezolanas SA-Cativen (Venezuela) v. GMR Asesores SL (Spain), Inmomercado and others, Audiencia Provincial [Court of Appeal], Madrid, 163/2009 (Section 10), 1 April 2009’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.35 (Kluwer Law International 2010), pp.448-449.

‘Spain No.70, Ventus Aliance S.R.O. v. Respondent, Audiencia Provincial, First Section, Soria, 17 September 2010’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.36 (Kluwer Law International 2011), pp.332-333.


‘Sweden No.1, AB Götaverken(Sweden) v. General National Maritime Transport Company (Libya), Supreme Court, 13 August 1979, No. SO 1462 and Svea Court of Appeal (5th Dept.), Stockholm, 13 December 1978’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.6 (Kluwer Law International 1981), pp.237-242.

‘Sweden No.2, Libyan American Oil Company (LIAMCO) v. Socialist Peoples Arab Republic of Libya (Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahirya), Svea Court of Appeal, 18 June 1980’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.7 (Kluwer Law International 1982), pp.359-362.


A. SA v. B. SA, Swiss Federal Supreme Court, 4A_124/2014, 7 July 2014, available at http://www.swissarbitrationdecisions.com/ sites/default/files/7%20juillet%202014%204A%20124%202014.pdf (accessed on 21 July 2020).

Fondation M. v. Banque X, Swiss Tribunal Fédéral, 29 April 1996, ATF 122 III 139.

‘Omnium de Traitement et de Valorisation-OTV v. Hilmarton, Tribunal Fédéral [Supreme Court], 17 April 1990’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol. 19 (Kluwer Law International 1994) pp.214-222.

‘Switzerland No.2, Commoditex S.A. v. Alexandria Commercial Co., Cour De Justice Civile, Geneve, 12 May 1967’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.1 (Kluwer Law International 1976), p.199.

‘Switzerland No.5, Dutch seller v. Swiss buyer, Obergericht of Basle, 3 June 1971’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.4 (Kluwer Law International 1979), pp.309-310.

‘Switzerland No.7, Joseph Müller A.G. v. Sigval Bergesen, Tribunal Federal[Federal Supreme Court], 26 February 1982’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.9 (Kluwer Law International 1984), pp.437-441.

‘Switzerland No.10, Chrome Resources S.A. v. Leopold Lazarus Ltd., Tribunal Federal [Supreme Court], not indicated, 8 February 1978’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.11 (Kluwer Law International Arbitration 1986), pp.538-542.

‘Switzerland No.11, Carbomin S.A. v. Ekton Corporation, Cour de Justice [Court of Appeal] of the Canton Geneva, Not Indicated, 14 April 1983’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.12 (Kluwer Law International 1987) pp.502-504.

‘Switzerland No.20, N.Z. v. I., Appellationsgericht [Court of Appeal], Basel-Stadt, Not Indicated, 27 February 1989’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.17 (Kluwer Law International 1992) pp.581-583.

‘Switzerland No.21, Not indicated v. Not indicated, Handelsgericht [Commercial Court] Zurich, 21, 20 April 1990’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.17 (Kluwer Law International 1992), pp.584-586.

‘Switzerland No.23, K.S. AG v. C.C. SA, Camera di Esecuzione e Fallimenti [Execution and Bankruptcy Chamber], Canton Tessin, Not indicated, 19 June 1990’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.20 (Kluwer Law International 1995), pp.762-765.

‘Switzerland No.24, Fincantieri-Cantieri navali italiani SpA v. Oto Melara SpA, M. and others, Tribunal Federal[Supreme Court], Not indicated, 23 June 1992’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.20 (Kluwer Law International 1995), pp.766-770.

‘Switzerland No.26, DIETF Ltd. v. RF AG, Obergericht [Court of Appeal], Basel-Land, Not Indicated, 5 July 1994’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.21 (Kluwer Law International 1996), pp.685-689.

‘Switzerland No.27, Compagnie de Navigation et Transports SA v. MSC-Mediterranean Shipping Company SA, Tribunal Fédéral [Supreme Court], Not Indicated, 16 January 1995’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.21 (Kluwer Law International 1996), pp.690-698.

‘Switzerland No.28, Inter Maritime Managaement SA v. Russin & Vecchi, Tribunal Federal [Supreme Court], Not indicated, 9 January 1995’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.22 (Kluwer Law International 1997), pp.789-799.

‘Switzerland No.29, Insurance Company v. Reinsurance Company, Tribunal Fédéral [Supreme Court], Not Indicated, 21 March 1995’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.22 (Kluwer Law International 1997), pp.800-806.

‘Switzerland No.30, Not indicated v. Not indicated, Bezirksgericht [Court of First Instance], Affoltern am Albis, 30, 26 May 1994’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.23 (Kluwer Law International 1998), pp.754-763.

‘Switzerland No.32, Compañía Minera Condesa SA v. Compañía de Minas Buenaventura SA, BRGM-Pérou SAS (formerly La-Source, Compagnie Minière SAS) v. ICC Arbitral Tribunal, Bundesgerichtshof [Supreme Court], 19 December 1997’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.24 (Kluwer Law International 1999) pp.727-731.

‘Switzerland No.33, R SA v. A Ltd., Geneva, Cour de Justice [Court of Appeal], 15 April 1999’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.26 (Kluwer Law International 2001), pp.863-868.

‘Switzerland No.35, Not indicated v. Not indicated, Obergericht [Court of Appeal], Zug, 27 February 1998’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.29 (Kluwer Law International 2004), pp.805-808.

‘Switzerland No.37, Italian party v. Swiss company, Bezirksgericht, Zurich, 14 February 2003 and Obergericht, Zurich, 17 July 2003’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.29 (Kluwer Law International 2004), pp.819-833.

‘Switzerland No.38, A SA (Switzerland) v. B Co Ltd (British Virgin Islands), C SA (Ecuador), Tribunal Federal [Federal Supreme Court], 8 December 2003’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.29 (Kluwer Law International 2004), pp.834-842.

‘Switzerland No.39, Buyer v. Seller, Tribunal Federal, Second Civil Chamber, 21 February 2005 and 3 January 2006’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.32 (Kluwer Law International 2007), pp.619-628.

‘Switzerland No.40, Compagnie X SA v. Federation Y, Tribunal Federal [Federal Supreme Court], First Civil Chamber, 4A_403/2008/ech, 9 December 2008’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.34 (Kluwer Law International 2009), pp.810-816.

‘Switzerland No.42, X AG v. Y AS, Bundesgerichtshof, 4 October 2010’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.36 (Kluwer Law International 2011), pp.340-342.

‘Switzerland No.46, X SA v. Z LLC, Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland, 2nd Civil Law Chamber, 5A_754/2011, 2 July 2012’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.37 (Kluwer Law International 2012), pp.305-308.

X. GmbH v. Y. Sarl, 4A_46/2011, 16 May 2011, available at http://www.swissarbitrationdecisions.com/sites/default/files/16%20mai%202011%204A%2046%202011.pdf (accessed on 21 July 2020).

X. Ltd. v. Y. S.p.A., 4A_628/2015, 16 March 2016, available at  http://www.swissarbitrationdecisions.com/sites/default/files/16%20mars%202016%204A%20628%202015.pdf (accessed on 21 July 2020).


‘Ukraine No.1, National Joint Stock Company Naftogaz Ukrainy v. RosUkrEnergo AG, Court of Appeal, City of Kiev, 17 September 2010 and Supreme Court of Ukraine, 24 November 2010’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.36 (Kluwer Law International 2011), pp.349-352.

‘Ukraine No.5, Nibulon SA v. Nasinnia-Agrokhim, Limited Liability Company, Sribnyansky District Court, Chernihivska Region, Case No. 2521/930/2012, 24 January 2013 and Supreme Court of Ukraine, 12 March 2013’, in Albert Jan van den Berg(ed), YCA, Vol.38 (Kluwer Law International, 2013), pp.476-478.

United Kingdom

Al-Naimi v. Islamic Press Agency [2000] 1 Lloyd's Rep 522.

Birse Construction Limited v. Saint David Limited [1999] BLR 194.

Cable & Wireless v. IBM, (2002) EWHC 2059 (Comm).

Courtney&Fairbarn v. Tolaini Brothers (Hotels) Ltd. (1975) 1 WLR 297.

Crowther and another v Rayment and another [2015] EWHC 427.

Emirates Trading Agency LLC v. Prime Mineral Exports Private Ltd, (2014) EWHC 2104 (Comm).

‘Fiona Trust & Holding Corporation & ors v. Yuri Privalov & ors, Court of Appeal of England and Wales, Civil Division, Case No. 2006 2353 A3 QBCMF, 24 January 2007’, Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem, (Comitê Brasileiro de Arbitragem CBAr & IOB 2007, Vol. IV Issue 13), pp.133-149.

Golden Ocean Group Limited v. Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk Ltd, Genuine Maritime Ltd [2013] EWHC 1240 (Comm).

Holloway v. Chancery Mead Limited (2007) EWHC 2495 TCC.

Man Enterprise Sal v Al-Waddan Hotel Ltd [2013] EWHC 2356.

Nigel Peter Albon v. Naza Motor Trading SDN BHD & ORS (No. 3), [2007] EWHC 665 (Ch).

Noble Denton Middle East v. Noble Denton International Ltd [2010] EWHC 2574 (Comm).

Silver Dry Bulk Co Ltd v. Homer Hulbert Maritime Co Ltd, [2017] EWHC 44 (Comm).

Sulamerica CIA Nacional de Seguros SA and others v. Enesa Engenharia SA and others (2012) EWCA Civ 638.

‘UK No.3, Associated Bulk Carriers Ltd. v. Koch Shipping Inc., Court of Appeal, 20 July 1977’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.4 (Kluwer Law International 1979), p.316.

‘UK No.4, Roussel-Uclaf v. G.D. Searle & Co. Ltd., G.D. Searle & Co., High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, 4 October 1977’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.4 (Kluwer Law International 1979), pp.317-319.

‘UK No.5, Lonrho Ltd. v. Companhia do Pipeline Mocambique Rodesia Sarl, The Shell Petroleum Company Ltd. and others, High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, 31 January 1978’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.4 (Kluwer Law International 1979), pp.320-322.

‘UK No.6, The Mauritius Sugar Syndicate v. Tate & Lyle Refineries Ltd., Emcar Ltd. and others, High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division (Admiralty Court), 12 December 1977’, in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.4 (Kluwer Law International 1979), pp.323-327.

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‘UK No.12, Haendler & Natermann GmbH v. Mr. Janos Paczy, Court of Appeal, 3 December 1980’ in Pieter Sanders(ed), YCA, Vol.9 (Kluwer Law International 1984) pp.445-447.

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Australia: International Arbitration Act 1974, No. 136, Compilation No. 12, compiled on 17 November 2016, including amendments up to Act No.67, 2016, registered on 18 November 2016.

Belgium: Code of Civil Procedure, 19 May 1998.

Bulgaria: Law on the International Commercial Arbitration, 5 August 1988, amended 2 November 1993.

Decree of 12 May 1981, French New Code of Civil Procedure. 

Egypt: No. 27 of 1994 Promulgating the Law Concerning Arbitration in Civil and Commercial Matters, published in the Official Gazette No.16 (bis) on 21 April 1994.

English Arbitration Act 1975. 

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Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. Section 202.

German Code of Civil Procedure as promulgated on 5 December 2005 (Bundesgesetzblatt (BGBl., Federal Law Gazette) I page 3202; 2006 I page 431; 2007 I page 1781), last amended by Article 1 of the Act dated 10 October 2013 (Federal Law Gazette I page 3786).

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The Decree No. 2011-48 of 13 January 2011, the French Code of Civil Procedure.

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The Swedish Arbitration Act. 

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Tunisia: Law No. 93-42 of 26 April 1993 on the Enactment of Arbitration Code.

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