The Intellectual Property Trilogy: Untraditional Topics In Copyright, Patent And Trademark

Yayınevi: Yetkin Yayınları
Yazar: A. Ece KAYA

ISBN: 9786050508741

170,00 TL 200,00 TL


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Kitap Künyesi
Yazar A. Ece KAYA
Baskı Tarihi 2021/06
Baskı Sayısı 1
Boyut 16x24 cm (Standart Kitap Boyu)
Cilt Karton kapak
Sayfa Sayısı 99

The first chapter of this book focuses of the question whether the copyright on literary, scientific and artistic works can be granted an unusual author, an artificial intelligence. In the second chapter, the patentability of a very common technology in today’s world that can also make inventions, the computer programs, as well as computer implemented inventions is examined. Finally, the third chapter includes a comparative law research on an untraditional type of trademark, the color trademark, in EU law and in Turkish Law.

From September 2018 to September 2019, I pursued a master’s degree in Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law (LL.M. IP and IT-Law) at the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University in Hanover in cooperation with the University of Lapland in Rovaniemi. During my studies I did research on several topics in European IP and IT-Law and scrutinized how and to what extend these fields impact one another. This work consists of three articles on intellectual property law which are selected from various articles due to their interdisciplinary and untraditional topics.

The first chapter of this book focuses of the question whether the copyright on literary, scientific and artistic works can be granted an unusual author, an artificial intelligence. In the second chapter, the patentability of a very common technology in today’s world that can also make inventions, the computer programs, as well as computer implemented inventions is examined. Finally, the third chapter includes a comparative law research on an untraditional type of trademark, the color trademark, in EU law and in Turkish Law.

It is needless to say that the completion of this research is not the sole achievement of the author. I would like to express my gratitude to my tutors Prof. Dr. Christian Heinze and Dr. Ioannis Revolidis at the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University and Mrs. Rosa Ballardini and Prof. Dr. Rauno Korhonen at the University of Lapland for their valuable guidance and support for the completion of my studies. I am very thankful to Dr. Maria Mammeri-Latzel for supporting me in every possible way during my entire stay in Germany.

I would like to acknowledge the support of Yetkin Yayıncılık, especially Mr. Muharrem Başer for the publication of this work.

Lastly, but most importantly, I acknowledge the contribution of my mother, father and brother from the bottom of my heart, who have always supported and encouraged me to go a step further in the life. I dedicate this book to my family.


Authors Preface ............................................................................................ 7

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................ 9

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................... 13


INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 17

I. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) ............................................. 18

A. DEFINITION .............................................................................. 18

B. CREATIONS OF AI ................................................................. 19

II. COPYRIGHT ................................................................................. 20

A. LEGAL FRAMEWORK ........................................................... 20

B. RATIONALE ............................................................................ 21

C. KEY REQUIREMENT ............................................................. 21

D. THE AUTHOR .......................................................................... 23

III. ELIGIBILITY OF AI-GENERATED WORKS FOR COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ............................................................................... 25

A. AI AS MERE TOOL ................................................................. 26

B. CO-CREATION WITH HUMAN ............................................ 27

C. BRUTE FORCE CREATION ................................................... 27

D. SOLE CREATION .................................................................... 28

IV. PROTECTION OF AI-GENERATED WORKS ........................... 31

A. PUBLIC DOMAIN ..................................................................... 31

B. PROTECTION UNDER RELATED RIGHTS ......................... 33

C. PROTECTION UNDER COPYRIGHT .................................... 34

V. OWNERSHIP OF THE RIGHTS ................................................... 35

A. AI ITSELF .................................................................................. 36


B. THE PROGRAMMER OF AI .................................................... 36

C. THE END-USER OF AI ........................................................... 38

CONCLUSION .......................................................................................... 41

LIST OF REFERENCES .......................................................................... 43

Literature ................................................................................................ 43

Legislation ............................................................................................. 44

Cases ...................................................................................................... 45


INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 49

I. COMPUTER PROGRAM .............................................................. 50

II. PROTECTION OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS ............................ 51

A. HISTORY .................................................................................. 52

B. COPYRIGHT PROTECTION .................................................. 54

C. PATENT PROTECTION ........................................................... 56

1. General Requirements for Patent Protection ....................... 57

2. Patent Protection Requirements for Computer Programs ...... 58

a. The Vicom Case ............................................................ 59

b. IBM Cases ..................................................................... 61

c. Hitachi Case .................................................................. 62

d. Microsoft Case .............................................................. 64

III. COMPUTER IMPLEMENTED INVENTIONS ............................ 67

CONCLUSION .......................................................................................... 69

LIST OF REFERENCES .......................................................................... 71

Literature ................................................................................................ 71

Legislation ............................................................................................. 72

Cases ...................................................................................................... 72



INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 77

I. COLOR MARKS IN EUROPEAN UNION LAW ........................ 78

A. DISTINCTIVENESS ................................................................ 79

1. Libertel case ........................................................................ 82

2. KWS Saat Case .................................................................... 83

3. Heidelberger case ................................................................ 84

B. BEING REPRESENTED ON THE REGISTER ....................... 85

II. COLOR MARKS IN TURKISH LAW .......................................... 87

A. DISTINCTIVENESS ................................................................ 88

1. Color Combinations ............................................................ 90

2. Single Colors ....................................................................... 91

B. BEING REPRESENTED ON THE REGISTER ....................... 93

CONCLUSION .......................................................................................... 95

LIST OF REFERENCES .......................................................................... 97

Literature ................................................................................................ 97

Legislation ............................................................................................. 98

Cases ...................................................................................................... 99

European Union ............................................................................... 99

Turkey .............................................................................................. 99


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